Chapter 13: Aftermath

Start from the beginning

As a year goes by the devils are once again engaged in combat with the Khaos Union. The conflict is an on and off war with the Khaos Union invading and then retreating after a while. In these battles many die on both sides and the number of pillars is reduced to 10. On the other hand the Khaos Union has vast numbers as they have turned most of the humans that they could into either fallen angels, or at the least their obedient puppets. Even as time passes no signs are seen the Khaos Union has managed to find the Sword of God, which the devils are grateful for.

With the new found battle with the Khaos Union taking place there are several devils that decide to leave the Underworld and live among the humans. These devils become known in the Underworld as "the traitors". Among their numbers is the Satan Leviathan, Riser. He leaves for the world of the living hoping to find many attractive women there. As a result of this he is stripped of his title and after much debate Lord Glasya-Labolas takes the title of Satan Leviathan leaving the family his daughter to lead. With the few that do leave go much needed aid in the battle against the Khaos Union.

Three years following the retaking of Underworld

As time has passed Mia has grown weaker and weaker and after all this time is now on the verge of death. The Gusion family gathers around her as she shares her last moments with them. All of them are crying knowing that soon she will die.

Ravel: "I am sorry that we could not find a way to heal you. We have tried everything that we could, but nothing seems to work."

Mia: "It is alright. This must just be how it is meant to be. Besides Ravel don't you have other things to worry about besides me. After all, your wedding is in just a few days."

Ravel: "It is true Mia, but you are my family as well. I cannot bear to lose you. I wish that you could be there when me and Sairoarg get married."

Lint: "I still cannot believe that you two are getting married."

Ravel: "Well he did save my life time and time again during the battles that we faced while retaking the Underworld. He always is fighting for what he believes is right and is always trying to protect those that he cares about. To me that is exactly the kind of person that I want to marry. Someone you has become stronger and stronger to help others that he cares about."

Irina: "We are all really happy for you Ravel. I wish that we could all be there to see the wedding though."

Mia: "It is alright. I don't think I would have been much fun anyway. I have not been able to do much lately."

Irina: "That is not your fault. This curse has done a terrible number on you. I wish that we could have reacted sooner."

Mia: "There is no need to worry about that now. Besides, I told you that I have enjoyed my life. I am glad to have had the time that I did with all of you. I only wish that master had made it back before I died."

Ravel: "Mia, do you really think that he will come back still? I mean you and Lint are the only ones that still believe that."

Mia: "I know that all of you are having a hard time believing it, but I know that he will come back. He still has so much to do in this world. I believe that one day he will be the one to change this world for the better and fix everything. I just wish that I could have lived to see it."

Irina: "Mia I wish that you were right. I spent two years searching the whole human world for him. I honestly don't think he will come back. He may still be alive, but if so I think he is stuck forever in his pocket dimension. I wish with all of my heart that he would return, but I just don't see how it is possible."

Koneko: "It sucks. We can still feel that he is alive, but cannot find him."

Mia: "Irina, you are wrong. One day he will be back. I know it and in your heart all of you know it as well. He is our king after all. He is the one that gave us all this amazing family, so I am sure he will return one day to enjoy it with all of you."

Ravel: "You are right about that. We owe him so much."

Mia: "Make sure to repay him for me as well. Now it is time for me to do the last thing I can for him."

Using the last of her power Mia summons Ellion.

Mia speaking to Ellion: "My little friend I have one last job for you. I want you to take this letter and a sack with the four pawn pieces that we will have collected for Master. I ask that you please take them to him. Find him and bring him home. This is my final request as you master. Please find him and give him these pieces. He will need them."

Ellion, knowing what is coming snuggles next to Mia and tries to comfort her.

Mia: "Now Irina I will not be alive to make sure that Ellion gets off safely. Please take him to the human world after I am gone, with the pieces and letter so he can go and find our master."

Irina: "I am not sure he will be able to."

Mia smiles: "Don't worry I am sure that Ellion will be able to bring master home to you. Also I have prepared everything all you need to do is put the pieces into this sack and tie it on Ellion. Will you please do this for me?"

Irina: "Alright I will do it for you."

Mia: "Now Koneko it is time for you to honor your promise. I have almost no time and you need to remove my piece before it expires."

Koneko: "I hoped this day would never come, but okay."

Koneko drives her hand into Mia's stomach and removes the pawn piece ending Mia's life.

Koneko: "I am sorry Mia. Thank you for all that you did."

Irina as requested by Mia ties the letter along with a sack containing the pawn pieces that belong to Mia, Murayama, and Leon to Ellion. She then travels to the human world and sends Ellion off. This little dragon flies as fast as he can to go and fulfill his master's final order. He searches high and low trying to find (F/N) anywhere that he can, all the while carrying the cargo of his master's letter and pawn piece.

Two years later.

After the passing of Mia, Ravel and Sairaorg get married. Ravel remains in the Gusion peerage seeing it as more of a family then a peerage anymore. Things are peaceful until a massive force of fallen angels arrives in the Underworld. Under the command of the god Typhon, the Khaos Union has sent its largest force yet to once and for all end the devils. Unlike anytime before the objective of the Khaos Union is not to enslave the devils, but to exterminate them. After five years of searching for the Sword of God, they figure the only place it could be is within the Underworld in the capital. For this reason they have come to end all devils.

In the human world, everything is corrupt. The humans have mostly gained some independence from the Khaos Union as they are no longer recruited for fighting. However, every aspect of daily life is filled with people lying, stealing and cheating others. The humans have grown used to it after so long. Many no longer view the Khaos Union as wrong, or completely ignore the fact that they even exist. In an empire far away from Kuoh Academy on a different continent a group of resistance fighters look up to the sky, hoping for a bright future to save them from the corruption of the empire. Little to their knowledge there is a small red dragon flying overhead, as Ellion continues his quest to find (F/N) even though it has been two years. He has rested as little as possible and is on the verge of death. Only his desire to fulfill his master's request has kept him alive as he continues to search.

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