Evelyn's footsteps on the wooden floor lightly echoed as she took time to observe the walls—white with one painting hung. It was a skyline of New York City at night, the water illuminated by the city lights. It was nice but typical. She made her way further into the corridor and took quick peaks into the rooms with open doors. Once she reached the end of the hall, she stood in front of another wooden door. The door was ajar but she felt she had to knock anyway. Common courtesy, she thought.

She lifted her fist up and hesitated slightly before remembering the rush Finley was in and decided she didn't have much more time before she would be escorted to the truck. She lightly tapped her knuckles against the wood.

"Come in," he spoke from inside and she gripped the handle to slowly push the door open enough for her to enter his room. Luke was laying against his headboard, one arm resting leisurely behind his head as the other was holding his phone in front of his face. Evelyn looked around the room impressed. It was smaller than the guest bedroom and had a completely different vibe to the rest of the apartment, rustic. All the furniture was made of dark brown wood, he had black bed sheets and blankets, the walls and balcony door frame were dark grey, everything was just dark.

Luke watched as she observed his room, though he didn't mind much. If it had been one of the guys that came knocking he wouldn't have hesitated to cuss them out and tell them to leave him alone, but the light footsteps he heard as she walked towards his room was enough for him to want to see her before she left for the day.

After realizing Luke was watching her she stopped her mini inspection of the details in his room and looked back at the blonde.

"Finley and I gotta go now but I just wanted to say thank you for letting us hang out and stay the night."

"No problem," he replied.

"Evelyn! Hurry the fuck up!"

She glanced down the corridor and looked back at Luke. She shyly smiled before saying, "Goodbye, Luke."

Bye Evelyn," He intently watched as she blushed and looked at the floor with that smile still on her face while closing the door. He wanted to memorize her radiant smile and the  it had the power to melt his icy heart a little every time—she had the power to melt his icy heart.

Tuesday morning, Evelyn and Finley sat at a booth alone in the bakery. It was Evelyn's day off and even though she would rather not be there when she wasn't forced to, it had almost become a daily routine over the few months they had been in New York for them to sit and drink before they start their days. The two were in the middle of the one argument they can never seem to come to an agreement on.

"I'm telling you Evie, season six was the bes—"

"But it was so sad because it was the last season! Plus you can't tell me dark Stiles wasn't insane. That whole season had me ruined for weeks, I couldn't look at Dylan the same."

"Yeah, but the ending wasn't sad! Well it was, but it's not like anyone di—"

"Shh! No spoilers," Evelyn squealed as she covered her ears.

"Evie... we've watched the show at least fifteen times start to finish," Finley sighed as she placed her head on the table. "And okay maybe dark Stiles was intense as fuck—"

"Hah!" Evelyn yelled pointing a finger at her friend.

"—but that doesn't mean it was the best," she finished as she crossed her arms and leaned back in her seat.

"Really," Evelyn deadpanned, "that's your defense?"

As Finley went to defend herself again, she was cut off by a chair being placed backwards against the table next and the body occupying it.

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