The chic fled but not before I tripped her when she ran off and the three guys followed. I didn't know how badly hurt I was but the looks of Daniel was worse. The bloody cut along his forehead and the coloring bruising around his right eye, nose, left cheek, and bottom lip that looks like it was stained with red lipstick. I would be lying if I said he didn't look what everyone anticipated him to be and he hella looked good being it.

Daniel walked over helping me up, "I told you to stay away," he states using his sleeve to wipe something off my forehead.

"Huh?" He had me confused, "You can't seriously be mad at me."

"I'm unbelievably PISSED, Ren! Look at you."

He points out his bloody sleeve that's stretched out between us, the same one he used to wipe my forehead, "You're bleeding and you didn't even realize it. With all the adrenaline I don't expect you to," Daniels says, putting away his bloody sleeve.

The blood didn't bother me, getting hurt didn't as well but why did the way he changed my name from Renesmee to Ren did so badly?

"Don't do that," I said, shaking my head, " 'First it's 'Renesmee please' and now 'It's 'Ren I'm pissed' you don't get to change how you feel to me just because you're feeling some type of way!"

"Feel for you? Not a chance in hell."

It stuck. It stuck deep like a branch through my back and arm from landing on the damn concrete, though, I didn't show that pain. I did take a step towards him, "Don't ever use that name again. Only people that mean something to me can use it," I said, hitting my shoulder into his arm about to walk off.

"I told you before. Stay away from me," I could tell he was serious; the way he was standing there with a blank expression. He was hurting and I didn't need to see him to know that just how his voice trembled to make me stop.

My eyes drifted back on him and I told him honestly, "I'm not afraid of you."

"I don't need you to be afraid of me for you to stay away from me, Ren. I can easily make you hate me."

Unbelievable. This was unbelievable of him and I still didn't understand why, why, fucking why did I and everyone else need to keep our distance. He was just as human as all of us, "Why? Fucking tell me why does everyone and including me needs to keep way from Daniel Choi! What's so screwed up with you?"

"Did you not see what just happened! That GIRL! She came by earlier and that's why I kissed you, to get her running because I wasn't up to deal with her and another thing, yes I came back around to fight off those guys cause I was looking for trouble. Are you happy-?"

It was hot. I felt hot all over and my patients were getting the best of me and I just so happened had to shut him up with my fist that came into contact with his stomach. A punch was enough for me even though his word made me see red, something about them almost made me see he was lying. His hands ended on his knee the way he gasped for air.

"Since you asked. Yes, I'm pretty happy now."

I gave him time to breathe and catch his breath before tapping his back, "Let's go. It's getting late and you can't use your car."

"Get away from me, " he shouts, standing up straight and walking away from me, "I told you to stay away from me! And I meant it. What don't you understand? What happened tonight is my fault and all you give me is a girly punch, aren't you mad?"

I gave him a scowling expression that showed how stubborn he was about this, why did he care about what I thought? That's not like him and I wanted to hit him over the head till he got a clue. I walked off grabbing my keys from him and unlocking my door as he shouted to me from afar.

"Don't be an idiot!" he strongly said, walking off and leaving me there to stare at his back.


Oh, my heart was so full. It's not easy in this world for someone to understand the other...we will see good days, we will see sunny days and we will drive the bikes to the blue, though, tonight we will see dark days, we will see the night stars as the rain pours and we will see me driving all night in pitch black in search for Daniel.

    I felt like I was wasting time how I felt in a panic looking for him, thinking about all possible wrong in the world on what could happen to him and when I look back on earlier I swear I paid no mind to the blood on his shirt and where else it could be.

Driving around for half an hour gave me the time to worry. We were in the middle of nowhere, this was the biggest library they built and it had to be here with all these trees and lakes, "Damn rich people!" I cussed under my breath while wiping the blood from my eyes  that fell from my forehead.

When I stopped I stomped on the brakes and parked. That damn fool laid on the side of the road in the grass and I freaked, my hands shaking, I jumped out the car running over to him and he was unresponsive. I laid his head on my lap.

The rain was really coming down. I was already soaked and the blood on my face seemed to wash away and appear dripping on his Daniel's face. I couldn't tell where we were. My tears blinded in with the rain as I moved his gray locks out of his face and he appeared more vulnerable with his bruises wet then cut worn washing away as his white shirt was stained red. My chest heavily raised up and down every time I looked down at him in this condition. I got up to drag him to the car with the little strength I had left.

With the door lock and the heater on I relied on getting him warm and us being safe. The backseat was a bit snuggled but we fit with Daniel laying in my lap, my tears weren't as bad for the first time, however, they swerved into sobs when I took the opportunity to lift up his shirt. There was a big stab wound in his lower abdomen and I cried my eyes out seeing him injured and on top of that, I punched him in the stomach.

Renesmee's tears fell upon Daniel's cheeks and the sound of her sobs woke him up from the blood loss, the conscience boy eyes lifted open, "You're sobbing all over me, " he whined.

His voice didn't phase her for a response, it hit hard hearing him awake. Renesmee cried even harder. She couldn't open her eyes to look down at him, but to Daniel's.. hearing her sobs took a toll on his heart. The dangerous boy lifted his hand to wipe away her salty tears.

"You're an idiot if you're crying for me, " he tried again to make this girl hate him or to make her smile again.

That crying girl stayed silent only letting the bad thoughts flood her mind,  blaming herself in every possible way and situation she could find in need to figure everything out to understand what happened tonight. She was losing her mind while the tears continued to overflow. Daniel noticed she was squeezing his shirt from how freaked out she became to be once she saw it.

Daniel glided his cold icy fingers along her cheek to her hair flowing it behind her ear, "This isn't your fault. You know that right?"

Suddenly her sobs stopped and the opening of her eyes looked at him with those teary eyes, "Don't look at me like that."

"Like what?"

"Like you care, " Daniel paused staring at the girl he had in his hands, "Why can't you stay away from me?"

Renesmee huffed a laugh, "Why can't you?"

She got him and they didn't know it. He said his last words for the night, she repeated that one scene many times with a heartbroken into millions of tears, but that broken heart was surprised when she finished Daniel's words.

That time stopped when she finished his words.   

Both were sad that it stopped along with the rain and the moment ending, Daniel wished time would stop looking into her eyes, at the bottom of his eyes sometimes he could see what would happen but still this is the heart.

What pain goes on in a story where the pain goes on, he doesn't want it to end...

© Ren Sherman Nonfiction

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