your friends

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Your friends solar, wheein,hwasa & moonbyul are here! They're your best friends beside Angela!

Hwasa: hEy y/n won't you participate in the singing show with us?

Wheein: yes five of us...imagine how cuuute😄

You: No I'm not in the mood of this time,maybe next time 😅 I'll just enjoy the programmes with Angela, Haha!

Solar: okay as you wish!

(They left but moonbyul was still there)

You: hi byul!
Moonbyul: hi baby guuurlll
You: why would you say that (*laughs*)
MB: take this is for you, my brother brought this from New York!

(Hands you a box of earring & necklace set)

You: omg these are beautiful!! Thank you so much!
MB: remember last time? On my birth day you gave me such a beautiful watch? This is nothing compared to that! 😊
You: awww this is as beautiful as you!

(You talked some more & the bell rang so you both left for the house together)

Meanwhile YJ was busy with his friends planning about the dance show.

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