chef's kiss

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You called yeonjun to the kitchen to prepare lunch.
He entered the kitchen slowly & shyly couldn't make eye contact with you for what he did.

"Don't be shy", you said," I liked that ".
" I'm not shy at all I'm just searching for an apron", said yj.

He folded the sleeves of his light blue shirt & wore an apron. He was looking like a whole sexy & pro chef!

(Kai entered)

Kai: hey I'm hungry but I'll wait till y'all cook okay? I've told my dad that I'm at a school party and will have lunch there! 😅

Yj: hahaha we'll be lying to our parents a lot. But we still don't do anything wrong tho!

You: really? (You wink)

Yeonjun: teasing me a lot, babygirl!?

**you,,, shocked**

This is the first time he called you "baby girl".

{ few minutes later Kai fell asleep watching the TV }

The food was half cooked & you were already tired so you went up to your room to lay down a little.

(Few moments later)

Your pov
I was drowsy a bit but shouldn't be sleeping as I've handed the kitchen to yj.

Suddenly I felt a kiss on my forehead. I opened my eyes to see & yeonjun was standing in front of me!!

" heyy", I exclaimed.
Yj just smiled.

"How do you feel when I'm with you?", he said.

" I-" I stuttered.

This boy was teasing me a lot these days so I stood up & have him a big hug leaving him astonished. And guess what he hugged me back.
I had my arms around him out chests so close & had his arms around my waist.
We could feel the warmth of each other.

yeonjun's baby girl Where stories live. Discover now