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You both sat beside each other paying attention to your teachers,helping each other & sometimes blushing.


After class you met yeonjun in the cycle stand area.

"Hey y/n, why were you crying? Is everything okay? Does your cousin Mark annoy you again??" Asked yeonjun.

"No I'm fine", you replied in a low tone. " but I'm not fine too".

"Wait, what? Are you fine,not fine,what? Okay I'm coming to your house,we'll talk there okay?,said yeonjun.

" yup,my dad is in China right now but my mom is home; she'll be happy if she saw you as she likes your rap & likes that you are my friend ",you said smiling.

Yeonjun smiled happily "Oh WOW your mom stans meee!?"

"Yes", you said.

Now you both head towards your house riding your bicycles.

yeonjun's baby girl Where stories live. Discover now