Hayley and I headed back to Davina's room and we looked at the drawings.
"I still don't understand why she drew Celeste. If Papa Tunde was the evil coming back to town." I said as she looked through the drawings again.
"What happened Maddie? You said Tunde used you last time" Hayley said.
"He did" i said.
"What happened?" She asked.
"I'm a witch Hayley, a powerful witch that can not die. When my family refused to give Tunde what he asked for he seeked help from me." I said.

"Ah Maddison Mikealson is it?" I heard a voice from the shadows.
I was walking around town not far from the compound.
"Um? Yes" i said looking around.
"Remember me from the meeting of the kings and then the welcome home party for your friend?" The man said as he walked out in front of me.
"Tunde... I remember everyone" i said.
"Your a witch, the original witch descendent." He said.
"I am, yes" i said.
"Might I ask for some help? To get your family to listen to me?" He asked.
"Look, I dont get involved with my father and my uncles city stuff" i said.
"But yet you attend their meetings" he said.
"Correct again. But I'm failing to see how i can help you or better yet why I would help you" i said.
"What if i told you that I could bring you're mother back" he said.
"My mother? She's been dead for a long long time." I said.
"The magic i preform Maddison is sacrificial magic and with that kind of magic I could bring back your mother but only if you help me first" he said.
"How do you know about my mother?" I asked stepping back.
"I know lots of things Maddison Mikealson, just think about it." He said as he walked away.

"He drew you in with a fake promise to let you meet your mother." Hayley asked.
"Fake it was, but I so badly wanted to meet her apologize for being the sole reason she's dead that I took Tunde up on his deal without even knowing what i was doing." I said.
"What did he do?" She asked.
"Channeled me and nearly killing me. Apparently, if you strip away enough of my magic by channeling the way he was you can kill me." I said.
"But your an Original" she said.
"Yes, I'm a powerful witch Hayley but even with that I willing handed him my hand and he began to drain me of every ounce of magic in me to make him more powerful. Lucky for me Marcel found us and rescued me along with Rebecca and we went home and told my father and Klaus. My father wanted to make a deal my uncle had other plans." I said as i looked at her.
"What did Klaus do?" Hayley asked.
"Killed the twin sons that followed him everywhere and then killed him" i said.
"Just to protect you?" She said.
"To protect all of us. When my father and uncle refused his deal he killed humans, werewolves, and witches that went against him and basically used me to strike a nerve in my father not expecting my uncle to react so violently." I said

"Not long ago, you all united against me." I heard my uncle announce.
I got up and left the room going to the balcony to listen to my uncle. Hayley followed and when she looked down and seen my father she walked away and my father also disappeared among the crowd. I stood next to my uncle.
"You failed. Since then, I'm my benevolence, i have wiped the slate clean, yet it seems clear you think that I am the one who needs to earn your respect, your loyalty. You're mistaken." My uncle said as Marcel joined the crowd below us.
"It is you who must prove yourselves to me. Our community is under attack. I require soldiers. I need warriors, not cowards. Each of you has a decision to make. You either fight alongside me or you leave... now." My uncle said.
The vampires started to whispered to each other.
"We don't work you anything. If staying in the quarter means living under your rule, I'd just as soon get the hell out." Thierry said as he stepped forward before turning and walking through the crowd towards the door.
The crowd indeed lessened as vampires followed Thierry out the door but just as much stayed and among those that stayed were Diego which shocked me.
My uncle turned and walked away and Marcel walked up the steps and followed where my uncle had gone. I went to my room, only to be called to the study by my uncle.

"You wanted to see me?" I asked as i walked in and seen Marcel and Sophie.
"Indeed little niece. Now we will figure out what's going on with the help from both Sophie and Maddie." My uncle said.
"I got no reason to help you, and i sure as hell don't have a reason to help him." Sophie said.
"Now, now. Don't be difficult, luv. You'll only live as long as you're of use to me, and right now, your best use is to explain to why a witch i killed 100 years ago for hurting my niece is back for revenge." Klaus said.
"Come on. Resurrected witches with vast power? It's the harvest. 4 girls were meant to die and be reborn. I dont know how, but someone jacked that power, and they used it to bring back 4 witches, just not the right ones" Sophie said.
"I knew it! I knew 4 other witches had to have been resurrected because that was the point of the ritual 4 were to rise but they didn't." I said.
"So there's still a chance. If we can get that power back, we can save Davina." Marcel said.
"Let's concentrate on the immediate problem, shall we? Papa Tunde wants revenge. He'll continue to attack us, channeling power from the vampires he sacrifices. He kills, he grows more dangerous. So how do i end him?" My uncle asked.
"He needs sacrifices to gain power." Sophie said.
"Hmmm" my uncle said.
"You keep him from killing anymore nightwalkers, that's a start." Sophie said.
"Unless... he finds the one place with a load of vampires ready to be sacrificed." I said as i looked as my uncle and Marcel.
They jumped up and ran out of the room and i looked at Sophie.
"We can figure out of to fix this right to bring back the 4 witches that were supposed to rise?" I asked.
"We can try" Sophie said.
"First we must find out who took the power" i said as my dad walked in.
"There is no we, Maddie. You aren't going. Out in the quarter until we know Tunde is dead. He attacked Rebecca who's to say he won't go after you next" he said.
Anger twisted on my face before I agreed with my father.
"Guess i figure it out from the comfort of my room" i said as i pushed past my dad.

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