Once in a lifetime

Start from the beginning

"One more question before I leave" he said, his face is serious again.

I nod my head to say yes.

"What do you see in my son?"

His question echoed in my head and I smile when I remember when I first met him.

"He feels like home Sir. Like anything is possible as long as we're together" I answered sincerely

His dad looked satisfied with my answer and he begun gathering his bag and the suit he hang on his chair.

"My son said the same exact thing about you Bright"

"He did?"

"Yes and I hope that you will keep your promise that you are going to take care of him"

"I promise"

"Thank you for making Win happy and about what I said earlier, it was all part of my test. I don't mean to insult you or this place. I have highest respect to artist like you. I met Win's mother singing in a cruise ship. Maybe that's why he has soft spot for musicians like you"

Win's dad then left without waiting for me to answer.

"Are you okay? What's with all the food?" Lance suddenly arrived and begun eating too.

There are too much food in the table even for the two of us.

"Lance I think I almost died" I took a deep breath and let out a huge sigh


"Hey" I greeted Bright when I saw his face in the screen of my phone.

Since last night, it became a sudden habit to have a video call session with Bright before sleeping

"I sent you a dozen of texts earlier" Bright said with a hurt tone.

I was too absorbed writing a chapter in my novel that I only noticed Brights messages after I finished it.

I immediately called him after I saw it but it was left unanswered until now

"So how's your day? You look exhausted"

"Jirakith asked me to play in his bar again earlier"

"I won't ask if it is successful because I know it is as long as you are playing" I said and I hop into bed.

I put myself in a comfortable position, seating in the bed while my back is against the wall with a soft pillow in between.

Bright is also in the same position and I can see Mr. Bunny in his bedside table.

"Your dad was here in the bar earlier" he said all of a sudden

"My dad?" I said with a shocked reaction


"Maybe it was just a coincidence" I said though I know it wasn't a mere chance that he showed up in that place.

I know that my dad hired someone to follow Bright and maybe to check on his activities. He's there not for the show but to gather information on my fake boyfriend.

Now I know why dad didn't showed up for dinner today.

"It wasn't. He's there to talk to me"

"About what?"

"For starters, he offered me a shit ton of money just to leave you alone"

"You didn't accept right?

Deep inside, I'm hoping that Bright won't accept whatever fortune my dad is offering him.

"Why would I accept?!" Bright said like I'm insulting him.

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