Chapter 8: Dancing With My Future Husband

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Sakura and I waited outside the mall for Naori. I had never met her before, but Sakura always spoke highly of her.

"Naruko, here she is! Hey Naori!" She shouted happily with a wave.

Naori was a beautiful small framed girl. She had long wavy purple hair and bangs that covered a part of her forehead. She looked like a rich princess, but what else would you expect from a girl who went to Saint Madara.

Naori smiled at Sakura and then at me. "Hi, I'm Naori. Sakura's told me all about you, Uzumaki-san."

Uzumaki-san? No one's been this formal with me before in my life! This girl really is from a completely different world from us.

I tried to force a smile, but it didn't work out as well as I thought. "H-hi can just call me Naruko. There's no need to be so formal." I don't know how I feel about this girl...

"Oh okay, Naruko," she said with a smile.

My eyes narrowed at the girl who tried to befriend me. I don't trust these Saint Madara kids...

I felt Sakura slap the back of my head with a terrifying smile. "Now that you guys have met, let's go shopping!" shouted Sakura happily as she pushed us through the sliding doors.

While she pushed us inside she whispered in my war with a devilish tone, "Be nice to Naori, or else."

I laughed awkwardly as the three of us walked into the mall to find our perfect dress.


Hours had passed by and we each finally found a dress. I tried my best to be kind towards Naori, but my dislike towards Saint Madara clouded my judgment.

"Why don't we eat something before we leave?" asked Sakura cheerfully while finding a table for us to eat in the food court.

"Sound great," Naori said softly while sitting down at the table Sakura had picked.

I nodded my head as I took the seat from across Naori.

"Great, I'll leave you two here while I go wait in line~. Text me your orders," she stated while walking away.

I watched Sakura run away, leaving me behind with little miss princess.

She did this on purpose! Ughhh Sakura-chan!

We sat in silence as I crossed my arms in anger, ignoring the rich girl who sat before me. I didn't know her, but I also didn't want to get to know her. Saint Madara kids were known for their elite status and wealth. Everyone in that school practically had everything given to them on a golden plate; their lives were basically perfect. What would they know about the life of a normal person that has to struggle to get by?

Ugh, why'd Sakura-chan leave me here with little rich princess? Hmph.

"I can tell you don't really like me," said Naori with a sad smile, "You haven't stopped glaring at me all day."

"Hmph, I guess you can say that. I'm not a big fan of Saint Madara kids," I admitted shamelessly.

"Yeah, most people don't like us, so I understand."

As I saw her expression begin to darken, the glare I held at her softened. What am I doing...?

I began to feel guilty for disliking her without a reason. Maybe I wasn't giving her a chance because I was jealous of the life she must be living. Or, I was jealous that she had gotten the attention of my closest friend.

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