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                         (With Alex)

       Alex was scared. No, not scared, terrified. Alex had no clue what was going to happen to her or her brother. The kidnapper split Conner and Alex apart when they got there. Alex was snapped out of her thoughts when she heard footsteps coming towards her.

"Hello there, Alex," the woman said.

"What do you want?" Alex asked.

"Well, I had a little chat with your brother and he is very protective even though I already knew that," the woman answered.

"Let me see my brother," Alex demanded.

"Later," the woman replied.

     The stranger walked away from Alex's cage. She heard the woman go up the stairs.

                       (With Conner)

      Conner was worried. Worried for many reasons. He was worried for his sister. He wanted to know if she was ok. He was worried for his friends. He was worried for what the woman might do to them in order to stop them. He was worried for himself. What would happen to him. Conner wanted to go home with Alex. He wanted to see their friends, see their parents, and see Bree. Suddenly, conner heard footsteps.

"Hello, Conner" the woman asked.

"Let us go!" Conner yelled, demandingly.

"No," the woman replied.

"If you don't want us, then why do you have us?" Conner asked.

"Well, you guys are the bate" the woman answered."The person I want will come after you."

"Who?" Conner asked, partially yelling.

"Why would I tell you? Now, I am going to put you in the same cage as your sister for 10 minutes and after you coke back here," the woman explained.

       Conner saw Alex in the cage. He was put in there as well.

"Alex! Are you ok?" Conner asked, worried.

"Conner, I was so scared. I want to go home!" Alex answered.

        Conner saw tears running down her face. Conner didn't like this. He hated seeing his sister like this. He hated seeing his sister look so, hopeless.

"What are we gonna do Conner?" Alex asked.

      Conner didn't know what to say. He didn't know what they were gonna do. Alex usually came up with the plans.

"I don't know" Conner answered.

The twins heard the woman coming.

"Conner, whatever happens, keep going. Find the others no matter what," Alex said.

"Time to go," the woman announced.

"Don't give up Conner!" Alex yelled, being pulled away by the woman.

"Alex! ALEX!" Conner yelled.

                     Authors note

Hi everyone! Happy mother's day! Sorry if this chapter was a little short. Next update will be in about 3 weeks or a month. Also thank you for reading this. Means so much to me. Remember to wash your hands. Bye!

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