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Bree opened the journal. Inside was writing. The woman named Sabrina had neat hand writing. Bree read a sentence. The sentence had another name Bree never heard of. In the sentence, the woman wrote the name Puck. Who was Puck? Bree thought.

"Who's Puck?" Bree asked.

Cornelia smiled. She knew who this person was.

"Puck is a fairytale character." Cornelia said.

Bree looked confused. She never met someone named Puck when she was in the fairytale world.

"What fairytale is he from?" Bree asked.

"He is from a shakesspearan play called" Midsummer Nights Dream" Cornelia said.

"What?" Bree asked.

Bree never heard of that play before.

"Nevermind that." Cornelia said. "Read the journal".

Bree continued reading. After about 15 minutes, Bree finished reading half of the journal when Cornelia stopped her. Bree looked confused. Why didn't Cornelia tell her about this before.

"How come you never told me this." Bree asked. Her voice sounded hurt and mad.

"Bree, when you first came I didn't think this was the type of thing to introduce you to the Sisters Grimm history. You were more wondering about the Brothers Grimm. Sabrina's time with fairytales just seemed too much."

"So wait, Puck is a fairy who I am related to? Wouldn't that make me part fairy?" Bree asked.

Cornelia nodded.

"Yes but only a little bit." Cornelia said.

"Wow, but what does this have to do with the little lights I saw on the airplane?" Bree asked.

"Bree, Puck had little pixies that he called his minions that he could control with his flute. That's why" Cornelia said.

"Wait, so Puck saved my life on the airplane?" Bree asked.

"Most likely." Cornelia said.

Bree was so confused. Just 2 days ago, Bree was trying to save Conner and Alex and now she just figures out she is related to a fairy?

"I know this is a lot to handle but-" Cornelia was interrupted when Bree cut her off.

"Can you help me?" Bree asked in a serious tone.

"With what?" Cornelia asked.

"With finding Conner and Alex." Bree answered." That's why I came to you. I thought you could help me. I didn't come here so you could tell me I'm related to a fairy. Can you just help me with finding Conner and Alex?" Bree asked.

"Bree, I know it's tough but you had to find out eventually." Cornelia said.

"I said can you help me find Conner and Alex." Bree asked.

Cornelia looked shocked but nodded.

"Of course I can." Cornelia said.

"Thank you" Bree said though not sounding very thankful. Bree left the room leaving Cornelia alone.

Bree went back to the others. When she entered they all huddled around her.

"So what did she say to you?" Jack asked.

"She just asked me how I was doing and if I had visited the fairytale world. She also said that she would help us find Conner and Alex." Bree answered.

"Phew, I'm glad we got more help. I have feeling this is probably gonna be a tough one." Red said.

"Yeah, well I'm pretty tired. It's 8 o'clock and we did have what was supposed to be 5 hour flight. I'm going to bed." Goldilocks said.

Everyone nodded and Frenda and Wanda led everyone into their rooms. Bree was the last one to go upstairs. She peaked into the room where her and Cornelia were sitting and saw that Cornelia was sitting there reading the journal.

Wanda took Bree to her room. Bree thanked her and went into her room. Bree looked around. Looked like a casual room. A bed, a desk and chair, a closet, and a window. Bree went under the covers and fell asleep fast.

Bree awoke to tapping on the window. Bree got up after 3 taps and looked threw the window. Bree was surprised and gasped.

Outside the window were the little lights from the airplane. Once they saw they had gotten her attention they flew back to the street. They flew back to a man.

On the street was a man. He was wearing a green cloak and playing notes into a flute. Bree then layed back down on her bed and tried to fall asleep again.

                   AUTHORS NOTE

Hi there! Sorry if this chapter is bad or boring. If you are waiting for more of the land of stories in this book, don't worry I am going to write more land of stories things in this book. I just wanted to put some sisters Grimm into this book. Also, Alex and Conner will come more into this story probably, maybe, the next chapter I will write what they are doing while Bree is in Connecticut. Please vote or comment! Bye!😁

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