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Disclaimer: I don't own the land of stories or the sisters Grimm.

"Help!" A voice screamed.

Bree couldn't find where it was coming from. She looked around and found a boy with strawberry - blonde hair. He had blue eyes. Ocean blue eyes. Bree recognized those ocean eyes anywhere. It was conner.

"Please, someone, anyone!" Conner yelled.

A girl who looked exactly like conner was trying to sooth him. It was Alex.

" Conner it's ok, someone will help us." Alex said.

"No, they won't." A voice said.

Bree looked around and saw a person in a black cloak. Their skin was grey. Her hair was black. She reminded Bree of someone she saw once but didn't know where.

"No, we have friends, they will come." Alex said.

"Well, even if they do, they will end up with you gu-

The person stopped and looked over in Bree s direction.

"Well, hi there Bree." The person said.

Bree woke up sweaty. She was hot. She looked around. She was still on the airplane.

"Bree, are you ok?" Goldilocks asked holding hero.

"Yeah, I think so." Bree said.

Goldilocks eyed her suspiciously. Bree took out her headphones and turned on a movie.

About 45 minutes later, there was a little tap on the window. Bree looked out and saw little lights tapping on the window. Bree knew they couldn't be fireflies so what were they?

Bree realized they were only tapping on Bree s window.

Momengs later, there was so many little lights. They moved the plane over to the right a little. Luckily, everyone thought it was just turbulence. Unfortunately, since everyone thought it was just turmbulence, red starting freaking out.

"Ahhh, what's hapenning?!?!?" Red yelled.

"Just some turmbelence, it'll go away soon." Bree said.

Bree then whispered under her breath.

"Hopefully." Bree said.

As the plane moved bree saw a black blast shot in their direction. The little lights carried them faster then they were supposed to and they were now supposed to be in Connecticut in 2 hours. If they kept this up they would be like a jet. The little lights flew them in all directions dodging the black blasts. They went faster and faster.

They were now supposed to be there in an hour! Bree knew this wasn't good. The plane starting shaking. A figure in a black cloak stood on one of the planes wings. It was the figure from her dream.

The little lights surrounded the figure. Moments after, the figure was gone. The little lights carried the plane so fast, 30 minutes later, they were ready to land. The pilots announced the land ing.

About 5 minutes later, landed. Bree,Goldilocks, Jack, Red, and Froggy left the plane. They were all awstruct. They headed for the exit of the airport when Bree saw something on the ground. It was a wand! She took it with her and went with the others.  She was so fascinated. They got to the rental cars and got in. They had to get a baby seat for hero. They hopped in and started the car.

"So, where to Bree." Jack asked. He was the driver. Goldilocks was in the back with hero and red and froggy sat next to Jack in the front. Bree sat in the very back.

"To Cornelia Grimms house." Bree said.

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