Merlin's Wand

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Disclaimer: I don't own the sisters grimm series or the land of stories. Those belong to Michael Buckley and Chris Colfer.

Bree was awstruct. How did this boy just give her Merlin's wand? How could she even know if this was even Merlin's wand? Bree looked back at the note and flipped the note over. Bree found writing.

"Bree, this is how to use the wand. Just say," gimme some and whatever you want." The boy wrote.

Bree thought this was crazy. No way was this going to work. But, she decided why not?

"Gimme some blankets!" Bree yelled. Bree didn't know what to say so she just said the first thing that came to mind.

After about a minute bree thought that the wand was fake. But then she heard something. She heard something coming from above. Bree looked up. Bree' s eyes widened. The blankets were falling out of the sky!

The blankets landed right on Bree and were very soft and warm. Bree was amazed. This actually worked. Bree ran downstairs and found Cornelia sitting at a table.

"Cornelia, can I talk to you?" Bree asked.

"Sure," Cornelia answered.

Bree pulled out Merlin's wand.

"Merlin's wand! How did you get that?" Cornelia asked.

"Well..." Bree said.

Bree explained how she got the wand. Cornelia looked shocked. Her eyes were so big that bree thought they were going to pop out.

"Have you made anything with that wand yet?" Cornelia asked.

"I made blankets appear," Bree answered.

"By saying what?" Cornelia asked.

"Gimme some blankets," Bree answered.

Bree realized the instant she said that she made a mistake. Bree knew what was coming next.

All of a sudden, there blankets falling out of the sky. Cornelia screamed, shocked.

"So, this is definitely Merlin's wand," Cornelia said.

"Yup," Bree replied.

"Well, let's get to work," Cornelia said.

"Work on what?" Bree asked.

"On working with that wand," Cornelia answered.

Bree and Cornelia had been practicing how to work with the wand all day. Bree had summon chains, rocks, and more blankets because Cornelia said she was getting cold outside.

They went back inside to grab some water.

"This is awesome! I have never gotten to use a actual wand before!" Bree said, excitedly.

"Yes, now shall we go back outside?" Cornelia asked.

Bree nodded. They went outside and started practing again.

"Ok, Bree i want you to really focus. Try to think of something that would come in handy during a battle," Cornelia said.

Bree thought of things that would be useful. Bree started thinking of all the battles at The Land of Stories like the Grandee Armee. Bree started thinking thinking of her trip to Germany and then started thinking of Conner.

All of a sudden, Bree started feeling sad and angry. Bree felt a sensation in her that wanted her to just find Conner and Alex and kill the person who took them.

Cornelia saw Bree getting angry. She looked like that if she did one flick of her wrist she could kill someone. Bree didn't look like her normal self. Bree looked......dangerous.

Cornelia called for Bree. Bree heard  Cornelias voice in her head. Bree realized that she had lost control of herself and stopped. Cornelia ran over to her.

"Bree what happened?" Cornelia asked.

"I don't know" Bree answered.

"I think that's enough for today-

Cornelia was cut off when a boy with pink wings came flying over.

"Good you've learned how to use the wand," The boy said.

                    Authors note

Hi there! This story will be getting updates every month or 3 weeks. Next chapter will probably be about Alex and Conner again. Hope you liked this chapter. I have online school now for the rest of the school year. I know this is a tough time but we are all in this together. remember to wash and everything will work out. Remember to wash your hands for 20 seconds every day. Bye!

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