Back to the airport

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Disclaimer: I don't own the land of stories or sisters grimm.

   Bree was mad. She felt like she wanted to punch something. How could this happen again?

"What?!?!?" Bree said.

"They were in the fairy palace checking on some stuff. We went to go check on them when we heard a screams. They sounding like Alex and Conner. We went up to the room they were in and they were gone." Goldilocks said.

"Wait, we?"Bree asked.

Just then, Jack had just gotten up the tree with hero in the baby born. Bree looked outside her window and saw red and froggy at the bottom of the tree. Red was trying to climb up the tree and froggy was trying to help her.
Jack had just managed to get inside Brees room.

"Hi, Bree" Jack said.

"Hi, Jack" Bree said.

"Bree, we need your help." Jack said.

"Of course I'll help you." Bree said." But I am going to need some help from some detectives. People who are like fairytale detectives."

"Who?"Jack said.

Bree gasped. Her eyes lit up. Jack could tell she had a idea.

"We need to get Cornilia Grimm." Bree said.

Bree,Goldilocks, and Jack ran down the stairs. Bree' s parents weren't home so she wasn't worried. They ran out the front door and ran over to the backyard fence.

"Red and Froggy, we need to go now!" Bree said.

Red and Froggy ran out of the backyard and ran after them.

They stopped at a bus station that takes them to the airport.

"What are we doing here?" Red asked.

"We are going on a bus that will take us to the airport." Bree answered.

"Wait, like when we had to go to New York?" Red asked.

"Yep" Bree asked.

The bus came and the group got on. They sat down and waited for the bus to go.

About 20 minutes later, the bus started moving. Bree took out her phone and went to the airport website.

"What are you doing?" Goldilocks asked.

"Buying plane tickets" Bree answered.

About 45 minutes later, they got to the  airport and ran to the shortest line available. They got threw security fast because they didn't have any luggage. They got in the last security line and did what they did in last time they were here, they split up. It was easier this time because they had already done this before but of course, red struggled a little.

They got to their gate and waited to board. About 30 minutes later they boarded. They found their seats and got settled.

Hero started crying and people started staring like last time. Of course, Goldilocks stood up for her baby and everyone stopped staring. Goldilocks and Jack were in seats 30 A and B. Red and Froggy were in seats 31 A and B. And Bree was sitting alone in seat 29 A.

Bree felt lonely without someone next to her. She missed conner and just wanted him back. Conner was always there for her so she was going to be there for him.

" Wait, is this thing going to go fast again like last time?" Red asked.

"Yes, but that is all a part of-

Bree was cut off when Red started to panic and yell.

" OMG, get me off, get me off, get me off!!" Red yelled.

"Chill Red, it's fine. That's how they take off." Bree said.

" No way, nah-ah, I am NOT doing that again." Red complained.

Red was starting to get out of her seat when Goldilocks blocked her path.

" Red, sit back down right now or else it's not going to be hero crying." Goldilocks said.

Red sat back down and Froggy tried to get her mind off of the plane taking off.

About 30 minutes later the plane started to take off. Red was trying her best not to scream. After 10 minutes they were flying in the air.

Bree time put her airpods and started listening to music. It was going to be about 4 hours to get there, might as well relax. And after a couple of minutes, she fell asleep.

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