Outside his house stands a sympathetic Endeavor, with a small bag at hand.

"I don't mean to bother you ground zero, but I heard some news concerning with (l/n). I was wondering if I could come in and talk with her?" Endeavor states, careful with his wording and not wanting to trigger the ash blonde.

"Not happening. It's best if you turn your sorry ass around and leave my property!" Bakugo barks, clearly irritated.

Endeavor pinches the bridge of his nose as he sighs.


"I. Said. GET OUT!"

Endeavor stares at bakugo for a second, clearly defeated, he's about to turn around and leave when he hears a voice come towards the door.

"Who is it katsuki?" The tender voice questions.

"A nobody" bakugo growls as he glares at endeavor.

"Why are you so rude and grouchy all the time, seems like you're the one who's pregnant.. now move-"

"-(y/n) stop! Go back with kirishima!"

Not longer (y/n) manages to push bakugo away from the door and she makes eye contact with endeavor.

"Oh.. hello" she murmurs.

"Good morning (l/n), I heard the wonderful news from Natsuo. May I come in?"

(Y/n) smiled at the tall man and allowed him to come inside the house, passing by an irritated and growling bakugo, she whispered to him.

"Behave yourself."

Bakugo turned to endeavor and glared at him intensely.

"Try anything and I'll make sure you're funeral comes in early."

Endeavor stares at bakugo slightly wide eye as he leaves. Sighing lightly he follows the young adults to the living room.

Entering the living room, (y/n) pats the cushion, signaling him to sit beside her. Eandvor makes his way to the couch and takes his place beside her.

"I-" endeavor begins but soon cuts himself off as he catches bakugo's glare. (Y/n) follows where endeavor's attention is at and looks at bakugo sternly.

"Katsuki, could you please leave us alone" She states but bakugo begins to protest, which causes her to call out for kirishima.

"Is everything alright!? Is bakugo being a pain in the ass aga- oh!" Kirishima states as he peaks into the living room, his eyes quickly landing on endeavor.

"Good morning endeavor, glad to see you here today" kirishima greets, smiling. His attention then goes to (y/n) who points at a very grouchy bakugo.

Kirishima sighs and makes his way towards bakugo.

"Alright bro, lets go" kirishima states as he begins to pull bakugo out of the leaving room. Even when putting up a fight against Kirishima's right embrace, he still manages to be taken away from (y/n)'s side.

Once the two are out of sight and their voices die down, (y/n) let's put a sigh and turns towards endeavor.

"My apologies, he can be quite a handful" he states, letting out a light chuckle.

"No worries. I brought this for you and your little one" he stated as he hands her the small bag.

(Y/n) takes the bag gratefully and peaks inside it, gasping she takes out the tiny pair of shoes.

"You didn't have to" she murmurs as she smiles warmly at him.

There's a moment of silence as (y/n) fiddles with her shirt, trying to strike up a conversation.

A Love Is Brewing 《shoto todoroki x reader》(discontinued)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz