Chapter 7: Highschool Life

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The next morning Sasuke and I had breakfast together. He made the best egg omelet I've ever eaten in the last 17 years of my life. And this time I had to ask, what was his occupation in the future.

"Hey Sasuke, I know I'm not supposed to ask, but I really want to know, what's your occupation in the future?"

"Why do you want to know?" he asked coldly while eating.

"Because you're so freaking amazing at cooking! I just wanted to know if you were chief or something cuz with food like this, you would have to be making big money if you owned a restaurant. I mean, I would go eat at your restaurant cuz your food is honestly delicious."

He placed his chopsticks down and looked at me to speak. "I am a chief in the future..."

"I knew it!" I yelled happily. "So do you own like a huge restaurant? Do we run it together?! Oh oh oh, and what made you become a chief?! Ahhh you gotta tell me!" I squealed happily.

His expression was hesitant, but he soon gave in as I flashed him my best puppy eyes. He sighed, knowing he had lost to my eyes. "Fine...I'll tell you."


He cleared his throat and began to speak: "In the future I own my own small restaurant. We did run it together for a while but things got...complicated..."

"Really? What happened?"

His face dimmed and the color of his skin slowly began to turn pale. Was it really that bad...?

"Uh don't have to tell me if you don't want to..."

He seemed almost relieved to hear me say those words. The color to his cheeks slowly returned as he took a deep breath to calm down.

"Um, if it's not too much to ask, what made you become a chief?"

He closed his eyes, taking his time to answer. "You."


His smile was full of sorrow and love as he spoke with a bittersweet tone: "You supported my cooking and gave me the courage to pursue my dream."

My heart sank in my chest as I heard the memory I would never have. "Ha ha, sounds like something I would do!" I shouted trying to break the tension.

" were always my biggest supporter..."

Feelings of sadness consumed my heart, and the same question about our relationship occurred: was our relationship really that bad?

Unconsciously, I reached for his hand from across the table. He jumped from the sudden action and looked at me with the eyes of a child. "Hopefully whoever you fall in love with after me, supports you as much as I did."

His eyes seemed to water, but he quickly looked away before I could read his true expression. He stood up from the table, reaching for our plates before walking away. "You better hurry or you're going to be late for school."

I brought the hand that held his towards my chest. The warmth from his hands lingered in mine. The heat that remained felt like a sign. It was as if my body was telling me that holding his hand was the right thing to do. It was the only hand I was supposed to hold, but I knew I couldn't. We weren't meant to be in the future.

I sighed as I removed my hand from my chest. What am I doing? The only guy that should be on my mind is Kakashi-senpai!

I brushed my hand over my uniform to try and remove the feeling I felt. I then ran to grab my bag from my room and run out the door. "See you later Sasuke!" I called from the door.

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