Chapter1: First Encounter

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Dante and Vergil walked through the forest towards the massive complex Dante had seen earlier.

"So, lets recap, some freaky shadow dude vodoo'd us into a random place while also de-aging us. And neither of us are dreaming?" Dante asked his twin brother.

"No dreaming here, and the rest of that sounds about right." Vergil comfirmed what his brother asked.

"Talk about a wild ride." Dante joked to his brother. Vergil sighed at his brothers joke before a drop of water hit his head. Then another and another, and eventually the rain started to come down.

Dante looked up at the rain before shaking his head,"Well it doesn't burn so we aren't in some weird part of hell."

"The lake wasn't filled with blood, that should have been the biggest clue. Let's get to some shelter." Vergil pointed to a nearby cave.

"Well its no demon spire, but it'll do just fine." Dante joked.

Vergil sighed as they entered the cave quickly. Vergil propped his blade against the cave wall and sat down next to it,"It's been a while since we've been able to just relax, huh Vergil?" Dante asked his brother as he sat down across from him.

"Yes, it has been a while." Vergil sighed in relief. He looked out to the rain,"It's been a while since we've seen actual water and not some demonic blood pool. Didn't think that I would miss anything from the outside world."

"Showing some humanity Vergil? Well aren't you warming up." Dante mocked his brother.

"I'll take first watch, get some sleep." Vergil quickly dismished him.

"I'm not gonna argue with you." Dante laughed at him before laying his head back.

Vergil stared out at the rain in deep thought. He looked at his Katana sitting next to him,'Nero. Don't do something stupid like your uncle.'

-The Next Morning-

Dante and Vergil continued towards their objective. Eventually they found a small ruined place with little cradles with chess pieces in them.

Dante jumped up to them,"Looky here brother, it looks like you!" Danted held up a knight piece before tossing it to him.

Vergil gave his brother a look before catching the piece,"Who puts random chest pieces in the middle of a forest?"

"Demons do their things, lets take some as sovineers!" Dante told him before grabbing a different piece that Vergil couldn't see.

Suddenly two girls ran out of the the woods togehter. A blonde with yellow gauntles and a black haired gir with a sword.

They turned to see them and Vergil quickly pocketed the chess piece and grabbed the hilt of his katana.

"Hey, look Blake, its a couple of hotties." The blonde glanced at the two twins.

Dante immediatly relished in the attention,"Finally someone with taste, not bad looking yourself lady." Dante's twin tilted his head and rolled his eyes at his brother.

Vergil loosened his grip and stood up straight, but kept his other hand near the top of the hilt with his thumb on the hand guard of the blade.

"My names Yang and this is my friend Blake." The one called Yang walked up to the two followed by her friend.

Dante pocketed his own chess piece and offered his hand,"I'm Dante and this is my twin Brother Vergil."

Yang took it and winked at him. Dante bowed in return causing Yang to chuckle.

A Brothers Redemtion (Devil May CryxRWBY)Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя