Prolouge: Old Look, New World

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A streak of Red and Blue traveled through the bleak demon world. The sound of metal against metal and gunshots thundered across the realm as the twin brothers fought against each other for the hundreth time that day.

"Come on Vergil, try a little harder!" The streak of Red called out to his rival as the two split from their current encounter.

"Don't get cocky Dante!" The one called Vergil as he sheathed his sword and took a wide legged stance, kicking up dust with his left leg as he bent forward gripping the handle of his katana Yamato.

The one called Dante twisted his own red and black sword, with which he shares the name Dante, and pointed it at his brother.

The two shot forward and began to clash swords once more, however they were quickly interrupted by several demons ranging from spinning bladed demons to bulky cleaver weilding ones.

The two brothers quickly slid into a back to back stance, cutting the demons down by the dozens.

However in the shadows of the battle feild, a human like figure stood holding an open book. In the darkness he read words aloud that were unhearable over the sound of battle, but their effect lingered all the same.

Dante jumped off the top of a demon's head and then landed behind another, skewering it with his blade and then slamming it to a hoard of on coming demons. He turned and spun his guns, firing several bullets that hit any demon that came close to him. He then jumped up and sliced another demon out of the air before landing in a cool pose,"Thats 28 for me."

Vergil spun around slicing through several demons and then kicking off a demonic bat soaring near him. He sheathed his sword mid flip before landing in a crowd of demons, all of which turned to him with their teeth and claws ready to tear him to pieces. As the closest ones claw came near his face he drew his sword, in the blink of an eye, and cut every demon near him into millions of pieces,"28 for me."

The man in the shadows shut his book drawing both of the brothers attention. The twins looked at each other before charging at the man screaming,"Jackpot!" in unison.

However as soon as they got close he disolved into the shadows he stood in. Dante and Vergil stopped on a dime, but it was to late as they started to descend into the shadows,"What?!"

As they struggled to pull themselves from the ever deepening hole they had caught themselves in, their respective red and blue energies flickered off them proving how much they were struggling. Eventually they submerged into the dark pool.

-In another dimension-

Dante and Vergil fell from the night sky into a forest below. They each bounced from tree limb to tree limb until they hit the ground, hard.

"" Vergil groaned flat on his stomach with his brother on his back.

"Vergil? How'd you...ow..get under there?" Dante got up and popped his neck. Vergil got up rolling his shoulders,"You fell on top of me, bro-th-er? Dante, what did you do?"

"What do you mean Verg-il? Why the hell do you look like a teenager?" Dante looked at his brother, who now resembled his younger self from before his time as Nelo Angelo.

"I could ask you the same." Vergil questioned his brother pointing to a nearby lake.

Dante walked over to the lake and knelt down to see his own reflection,"Well would you look at me! Back in my teens! I must say, I kinda of miss the stuble already, but I can live with this."

Vergil looked down at his hands before grabbing Yamato and quickly pulling it from its sheathe and cutting a nearby tree in half. As it fell to the ground, Dante continued to admired his new/old look.

"I still have my speed. I might even be faster since we are back in our youth." Vergil told his brother,"You should see if you still have your sword."

Dante got up before holding out his hand and his devil sword Dante appeared in his hand. He swung it around in a fancy manner before turning and swinging it like a bat straight up into the air causing the lake in front of him to spit into two large pieces of water.

"Yep, still got it. Felt way easier than earlier to, maybe you were right about that younger thing." Dante told him as his sword dissolved in ashes.

Vergil sighed before his blue energy sparked off him and symbols wrapped around him and he transformed into his Sin form.

"Well," Vergil spoke in his demonic voice,"These forms still work." He quickly went back into his human form.

Dante quickly looked around before jumping up and climbing a nearby tree.

"What do you see?" Vergil asked. "Well Brother," Dante looked out to see a massive building surrounded by lights standing in the distance,"We're not in Kansas anymore."

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