Chapter 5: Turmoil in Vale

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Vergil sat at the top of a roof of Beacon Academy, his sword propped on his shoulder and one of his legs draped over the ledge of the building and his notebook sitting just to his side with the pen tied to it. The sun had just began to rise, the cold air didn't particularly bother the Dark Slayer, his jacket and thick skin keeping him more than warm enough to sit and ejoy the silence as the sun rose up over the horizon.

His mind was calm, but not empty. He thought on the demons that tried to attack them on their outing to the Forever Fall forest. Did they follow them to this new world? Were they the only ones? Did anyone else follow them? If they've aged backwards, did the demons also return to their prime?

Another breeze flipped the top of his notebook open, snapping him from his thoughts as he looked over to it. He let out a short huff of air, as if annoyed by nature, before picking up the notebook and shutting it. The slightest glimpse of what he had been writing before, a rare wild thought that he had just scribbled down.

They were questions, 'Father? Mother? Nero?' Questions that he only wrote down out of impulse, probably ones that only came up from being around his twin brother.

The silence of the rooftop had passed as these thoughts developed and ran rapid in his mind, a long sigh escaping him as he stood up. He took a step forward and immediatly began to drop as gravity took hold, though he was completely unworried.

After two or three stories, he stuck out his hand, gripping the top of a window and using the momentum to fly into his and the rest of Team RWBY's dorm room where the rest of his team was sleeping soundly. And like the experienced fighter he was, he was essentially silent when he landed.

Or at least he didn't think he made much sound. "Vergil? What are you doing up?"

Out of pure surprise, the Dark Slayer turned around to find a sleepy eyed Blake peeping up from her bed. "You heard me?"

"I'm a light sleeper......Did you come through the window?" She asked, a bit confused about what she thought she had heard. Vergil looked at her for a moment before he shook his head. "Don't worry about it. Go back to sleep, we don't have class today so you should get some sleep."

"To late for that, who on Remnant is up at sunrise?" Weiss said sleepily, yet somehow angerly, as she sat up from her own bed. Vergil put a finger to his lips as Ruby and Yang both let out a light and heavy snore respectifully. "I just got up early, its not a big deal."

"But why did you come in through the window?" Blake asked, still hung up on that. Weiss immediatly turned towards Vergil with a look of utter confusion,"You came in through the window?!"

"What's all the rumble about?" Ruby said, half slurred in a sleepy haze. "Don't you know a girl needs her beauty sleep?!" Yang also said, waking with a bit of anger in her eyes as her precious sleep had been interupted.

"Well I guess we're doing this now." The Dark Slayer said with a sigh.

-Later, back on the roof-

Yang sat with one leg dangling off the roof of Beacon, a large box of various donuts open next to her, a strawberry one in her hand, and her sunglasses on as she stared at the sun.

Blake sat next to her, facing the other way so that their backs were sort of facing each other. A plain donut with sprinkles on it in one hand and a book in the other. She was careful to not let the two touch or get on her book.

Ruby was sitting above the door that led them out to the roof, her legs kicking as she held two different donuts, one that could only be covered in sugar and sprinkles, and a cream filled one also covered with sprinkles as she was happily munching on both of them.

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⏰ Last updated: May 04, 2023 ⏰

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