Chapter 4: Well.....We're Demons

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Dante and Vergil met their respective teams as well as Professor Goodwitch as they started walking back to the main group,"Dante, Vergil!" Ruby shouted as they came up to a stop in front of them,"Where are the Grimm?" Goodwitch quickly asked as she began to look around.

"Oh....we took care of them, kinda boring actually." Dante told her as he put his hands behind his head,"What?! You take care of all of them?! There was like.....a lot of them!" Jaune shouted out in confusion. "Meh." The Devil Hunter shrugged.

"If you didn't need any help, why did these three come and get me?" The blonde haired professor asked the two brothers. Vergil scoffed as he turned to the side but Dante is the one who responded,"I don't know. I guess they just got freaked out or something.......what were we talking about?"

Vergil smacked himself in the face before he turned to the professor,"Ignore him. They did the logical thing."

"And What about them talking about how these Grimm were different?" Goodwitch asked him but in return the Dark Slayer just shrugged,"They seemed normal to me. What about you Dante?"

"Wait....did something happen?" Dante replied in turn as he scratched the inside of his ear with his pinky. Vergil ignored him while only shaking his head,"Sorry we caused such a hassle over nothing." Vergil told the Professor as he and Dante walked away, the Dark Slayer sending a glare at the others to keep them silent.

Glare was super effective, no one said a word. Goodwitch stared the two brothers down as they walked back to the Bullhead, but she didn't ask any questions already assuming something was up and decided to keep up their charade game for a little longer. It would eventually come back down on them.

Everyone else just kind of watched the two walk off with confusion, fear, and slight worry expressed clearly on their faces. They would all be having a talk with their two friends quite soon.

-Back at Beacon-

Vergil sat with Yamato unsheathed on his lap, delicately cleaning the blade and looking to see if it had any imperfections from his last fight. There was never any, but ever since the katana broke Vergil wasn't taking any chances.

The rest of his team hadn't come in from given Professor Goodwitch their stories of what happen, him and Dante having done so fairly quickly thanks to Ozpin's seeming dismissal of what happen.

However, in a few short minutes they all returned. Quietly.

After a few minutes of this, Vergil sheathed his sword happy with its still sharp edge. He sat his blade on his lap and then looked up to his teammates,"You have questions. Ask them, don't bottle it up."

Silence ensued for a few moments before Ruby finally spoke up,"W-What were those things? They weren't Grimm, and why did you lie about them to Professor Goodwitch? The Dark Slayer looked at the girls before he picked up his sheathed sword and stood up,"I have no idea what you are talking about. They looked fairly normal to me."

"Don't lie to us, we're supposed to be your teammates." Weiss told him. "If you think I'm lying about it, then you must also think I do not trust you with that information. If you think that, then maybe you should instead try and earn my trust. Or you could believe that I'm not lying, which I'm not, and leave it alone." Vergil replied coldly,"I'm going to go and do a little sparing with my brother. I'll alow you to decide which conclusion you wish to accept."

Speaking his piece, Vergil left the room silently. He let out a sigh as he turned around to walk away, only for him to be stopped dead in his tracks by a familiar white haired Professor. "Professor. Is there something I can help you with?" Vergil asked the Headmaster.

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