There's always two sides to a story

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June 20th, 2020, Rhode Island
Bethany Wilkinson

Standing in a small, reserved graveyard, was a girl no older than the age of sixteen. She was dressed in black and wore a tired, saddened expression that couldn't be concealed by the pounds of make up she wore. Make up that made her look two times paler and her lips twice as red. Her normal eye color was covered by contacts that made them appear black with two white dots. Her attire consisted of a lot leather, from her belt, the gloves she wore, her shoes and the garter belt that went around her middle; pulled tight.

The girl was the only living thing inside of the wrought iron fenced gates. She was the only visitor that day, and probably during the entire week. Not many of the people who lived in the town liked to take the time to visit their deceased ancestors or loved ones. They preferred to look to the future, while the girl liked to look to the past.

Like most visits, the girl had came empty handed, knowing that the flowers she would've brought, would wilt and die; which would only result in her sister being upset. Her sister who everyone had looked up to, had adored and trusted. Everyone had assumed she would be the one to make it big, to make a great career for herself and just tug Bethany along. Things hadn't went that way. Two years into college Chelsea had gotten chosen to go on some trip with her Professor that had ended up costing her health and her sister's life. Bethany had to grow up fast after that phone call, and she had to make some tough decisions regarding her sister's health, her meager belongings and which of the two parents she would she reside with. It hadn't really made a difference, but wanting to stay in the same town, Bethany had chosen their father.

Leaning down, Bethany began to rub the dirt off of the slowly aging stone. The afternoon sun glinting off of the finish on the stone hid the name and caused Bethany to squint. She didn't let it deter her. How could she? Her sister was a corpse and though she wasn't buried in the ground— Everyone knew Chelsea wasn't coming back. A thought that broke only one person's heart.

"I'm sorry that I haven't been around for awhile. Since school has gotten out, dad has been on me about getting a job." Sighing, she moved a few steps back and sat down, not caring about the dirt she would track back later. "Everyone is hiring but no one wants someone with piercings and a bad attitude. Do they really think that it makes a difference? I could still make a mean cup of joe without any complaints." A sardonic smile crossed her face, "I shouldn't be complaining right? Knowing me I'd be there a few weeks and then I'd start poisoning people." Wouldn't that make a beautiful news headline? The elusive teen 'goth' decided to massacre a dozen innocent people.

Snorting, Bethany picked at some of the weeds in front of her sister's grave, unconcerned that their last names didn't match and that Chelsea wasn't even buried there. The casket that Bethany had used the bit of savings she had on; was empty and would remain so. "Anyways, that isn't the real reason I'm here.." Pausing for a moment to decide on how to speak, on the right recourse for her thoughts, Bethany continued to rip out the weeds. "So.. I was wondering if you ever dabbled in the art of witchcraft. Lately I've been looking into it and it's all really fascinating. Did you know that they believe in nature gods? That they believe in nature coming from the earth?" Glancing up and around the vacant cemetery, checking for any interlopers. When she didn't find any, Bethany turned back to her sister's grave. "Would you mind if I tried doing it?" She continued, "Would I be betraying you if I tried? I know you believed in God and all but—" A single tear fell down her face as Chelsea's face appeared in front of her, all smiles and filled with life.

It was for Bethany's tenth birthday party. She had happened to want a princess themed party and Chelsea, being the kind person that she was; she had given her little sister the type of party she had wanted. It had been perfect down to the last detail. Bethany had been Elsa and Chelsea had been Cinderella. Her long blonde hair was pulled up in a tight bun. Her dress had been light blue and fanned out. She had actually worn make up and her blue eyes had been vivid, so much so, that Bethany had been envious. Now she realized they looked too much alike.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 27, 2020 ⏰

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