A new "fresh" start

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June 17, 2020, The Facility
River Amber Ardenston

Standing in their quaint little kitchen, River watched as her mother raced from counter to stove, trying to do three things at once. Three different burners were going with two pans occupied with cooking food. From her position at the door, she couldn't tell what they were, but they smelled delicious. Her mother didn't look phased from the extra workload. Her hair was pulled back into a perfect high pony tail, causing her black locks to bounce with every movement. Her smocks were messy but clean of any type of food or material from her work; an occupation that normally left her in some type of material before the end of the night.
River wasn't sure how she did it. How she constantly cleaned, cooked, and worked all by herself. Sure, River helped occasionally and little Arielle did her best but they usually left her more of a mess to clean than not. She never complained though. She was always smiled and full of energy to help the girls with whatever school project, homework or game they wanted to play.

Lately she hadn't had the time, not with them moving to this new location; there was too many boxes to be unpacked cluttering their small apartment. The only room that didn't contain any of the boxes was the kitchen, the first room that had been completed.

The room wasn't big enough for many things, a lot of it wound up in storage until their next move; but River found that there was more than enough room for the three of them. They had three black and metal stools resting in front of a marble counter, a dish washer, sink, small walk in food pantry and room enough for their appliances. All of it appeared brand new. Like her mother's new employer was trying to impress her. River couldn't of blamed him if it was the case. Her mom was young, dedicated, smart and full of good will. She doubted she had ever seen her mother actually cus out or harm another person.

Walking further into the room, River made her way over to the counters, her pink slipper covered feet making no sound in the hardwood flooring. "Mom, do you want any help?" Flashing her a smile, her mom pointed to the cupboards. "Sure sweetie, can you grab out the dishes for me?" River walked to where she had pointed, wasting no time, "Sooo.." She began half reluctant to bring up the real reason for her quick visit to the kitchen, besides her hunger, "Have they told you how long this job will be lasting this time?" Opening up the cupboard, River stretched up a bit so she could grab out the plates with a bit more ease. The cupboards weren't too high, but when she only stood at 5'3 almost everything was out of her reach. It probably didn't help that her mom liked to pile them high. They had more plates than three girls needed. "Not yet. They are hopeful the government will give us a bigger grant so we can stay here indefinitely." You've said that before. It rarely happens.. Forcing on a smile she didn't feel, she smiled at her mom. "With you here how could they not?"
Her mom laughed, grabbing a spatula and began to stir around the scrambled eggs; making sure they were cooking correctly. "That's my girl!"

Bringing the plates over to her, River piled them on the counter, before she went over to the cupboard and grabbed out the silverware that they were going to need. Keeping her thoughts to herself, she tried to think realistically about their circumstances. Especially when it comes to the unpacking part of their plans. Her mom was enthused which meant she liked the job they had offered, was willing to move here, and had even begun to unpack; but was it enough for River to do the same? On this small little island the two wouldn't have anyone their own ages. Arielle and her would have to go to school online, entertain themselves and be surrounded by busy adults. If that went on too long, what were the ramifications to their fundamental developments? Would it stunt their growth in a way that her mom might overlook? River had read online that social anxiety and depression could be linked to those growing up away from the rest of the populace. She'd have to do more research before she brought any of it up to her mom though. River couldn't destroy her good mood, nor her thoughts over the future on heresy. Besides they've done it for six months before, she was sure that they could do it a bit longer without any issues.

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