
19 4 15

Year 2017, Mokoli'i Island

A small team of two men and a woman hiked their way up a long, languishing mountain with scarcely any foot holds and no clearings for the trip to take a break. The three were all dressed in similar gear of hiking boots, breezy khakis shorts and a light, white shirt; with the only difference being the woman, Chelsea, was in a small, white tank top. They all wore backpacks on their backs and shown signs of the exhaustion that was creeping up on all of them. For the past four hours they had been slowly making their way up the mountain without much progress. The "amazing sight" their professor had promised still had yet to appear, and James was getting sick of it. Sick of the heat, of the thirst and of the never ending walking. Would it kill for them to have a break? It had felt like hours since the last one and it hadn't been nearly long enough. His legs were aching and his feet were already forming blisters along the heels. It wasn't quite what he had signed up for, and from the way the others were panting he had a feeling that they would agree. Yet the excitement of what was next, of what they could uncover kept him going— kept all of the young archeologists moving.

It was a type of motivation that would have them pressing on for hours past their limits and allowing them the chance to test their resolves, their dedication and the adventurous streak that resides inside of everyone. Eventually James sighed, "I-I need a break," moving over to a nearby rock, he tried to sit down, his hand moving along the rough purchase. The other two watched him for a moment, before the older man nodded, "Alright, we can rest for fifteen. Get some water, have a little snack and enjoy the scenery." Motioning for her to join James, the professor was already moving over towards the small alcove resting a few feet higher near a part of the cliff's edge. Cool air wafted from it, chilling the sweat that was slipping down his aging face. "It won't be too much longer! Maybe an hour or so."

"We've been walking all day.." James grumbled to himself, trying to keep his own complaints hidden. His aches were manageable, but he couldn't get the stamina to keep going. "How does he do this on a weekly basis?" Shrugging his backpack off, James unzipped it and began to riffle around in it, searching for his canteen. "Maybe it just takes practice? Here use mine. We can save yours for later." Chelsea offered, holding out her own canteen for him to take. "You think?" Taking the canteen from her, James opened the clasp and took a long drink. "I feel like he's trying to get us to change our minds."

"Why would he do that?" James shrugged, taking another drink before he handed her the canteen. He forced himself to ignore how the coolness felt going down and how his body was craving far more than he had taken. The Professor had warned them in advance about over indulging. Not only did they have so much water till they rejoined the campsite, but too much at one time could cause them to cool down too rapidly and send their bodies into shock. Maybe even get sick from drinking more than their bodies were up to taking; no matter what it was screaming at them.

Chelsea took no time sipping from her canteen, clearly trying to draw out each swallow so it could soothe her parched throat. Once she was satisfied she wiped the back of her hand across her lips. "Maybe he is testing our dedication to this course. This lifestyle isn't meant to be easy."

"I never thought it would be." Chelsea arched an eyebrow, "Really? You look the sort." Her gaze moved over his athletic frame and up to his too round, but no less pretty face. "Could say the same to you. You aren't exactly hard in the eyes." And she wasn't, any guy would've taken an interest in her right away. Chelsea was tall with a slight pinched nose, blue eyes and bleached blonde hair. Standing at 5'10, Chelsea dwarfed the Professor and was nearly level with James. The only that that might've detracted from her beauty was the way she portrayed herself, the extra pudge around the middle, and her buck teeth. Minor issues really.

The Day The World ChangedNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ