Chapter 1: New World

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After being defeated by Earthland's Dragon Slayers and handing off his title as the King of Dragons to Natsu Dragneel, Acnologia The Black Dragon of the Apocalypse believed he died.

But his most recent power over time had an unseen side affect. While his soul is no longer aloud in Earthland, it is allowed in other worlds at the sacrifice of his time powers. Wounded and weakened, the Black Dragon has to make sense of his current surroundings.

Acnologia was awaken by rain falling onto his face. "Huh? Wait, I'm alive?!" Acnologia sat up only for his entire body to screech out in pain,"Ah! Well that settles it. I am alive."

The ancient dragon slayer slowly stood up only to nearly fall over. He slumped against a nearby tree. Taking deep shallow breaths to steady himself, Acnologia looked around to find himself in a forest unlike anything he had ever seen before. All the trees were a deep red and beautiful to look at, even in the falling rain.

Acnologia pushed himself off the tree and slowly began to shakily walk. "Those dragon slayers did a number on me. But they won and I lost." Acnologia could only honor his enemies. No one had ever bested him before. Defeat was a new, but somehow welcomed feeling. "Your plan worked Anna. Only you could have planned something like this and it actually work. Ever so smart......little star." The mage's face softened as he came to a halt in his gait, however it didn't last long as his face hardened and he returned to his slow injured walk.

He walked for minutes before the slayers nose twitched and new smells took over his senses. The rain diluted most of the new scents from far away but new kinds of wood, flowers and tainted wet fur...."Fur? What form of creature smells like this? Is it dead?"

Acnologia shuffled towards the source of the smell. His stomach yearned for actual food....any kind of food. The dragon slayer made it to the opening of a small clearing to see a bear like creature with black fur, a white and red bone like face, and white bone spikes coming from different parts of its back. Acnologia shuffled into the clearing and the bear finally registered his prescience.

"Your no bear. What kind of creature are you?" The creature's only response was to roar and charge at Acnologia. The dragon slayer pushed his good arm out his cloak and gathered some magic energy into his hand.

The creature dived at Acnologia only for the slayer to jump into the air over it. The dragon slayer landed behind it and turned with his fist ready to strike, "Apocalypse Fist!"

Acnologia's fist glowed with a deep blue light as it tore a hole through the creature. It went forward a few feet before sliding to a stop on the ground, motionless. The dragon slayer grinned darkly before the color of his face drained and he fell down to his knees. His magic energy was low and due to that last stunt it was almost gone. "Lesson learned. Heal first, magic later."

Acnologia pushed himself up and started to walk towards the creature. He stopped when it started to dissolve into a black smoke. Eventually it was gone and he was once again alone. He sneered before looking into the air and began to sniff the air. "Damn this rain. I can't smell anything because of it." He pulled his cloak over his arm and turned around, walking back into the forest.

He spent a while walking, not really knowing how long he had been walking for. Eventually he looked up and saw smoke. "Smoke. That means fire, and maybe food."

Acnologia made his way to the source of the smoke. He slipped behind a tree to take a look at anyone he may have to go through to get to his prize. His nose picked up the scent of a deer and a mix of some kind of vegetables or greens.

He looked behind the tree to find two men sitting at the edge of a cave. One had two swords strapped to his back and the other wore armor and had a mace. In front of them was a pot full of soup which was making the aroma, but the the ones doing the cooking were young, teenagers. Easy prey.

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