Chapter 59

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Two years later

I ran. As fast as I could, I ran. I had to catch her. It was time for lunch and she needed to eat.

"Dominic ! Would you help !?" I scowled in his direction as our daughter hid behind him.

At just one and a half years, Jenna, was a riot. Named after my mother, our child was fast, sharp and far too adorable for her own good.

"It's not my fault she's this good at getting away, she gets that from you." Dominic shrugged at me, picking her up anyway.

Jenna struggled a bit in his grip, wanting to be free again but Dominic didn't relent. He calmed her down really quick by whispering something in her ear.

"Ma!" Jenna demanded, holding her arms out towards me.

"Now you want me?" I rolled my eyes, gathering her in my arms. She was pretty calm as we sat down for lunch.

It was a beautiful day and we'd decided to spend some time in the royal gardens. Life was super hectic and so we cherished any chance we got to relax.

Dominic had only conquered the last southern kingdom a while ago, its integration with Isolde was taking longer than usual. Besides that, he'd been adamant on hunting down and destroying all of Nish's allies. That had become his mission in life. He had done so thoroughly.

Dominic had eliminated Nish and his supporters from the roots. When the word of his hunt spread, some tried to escape on boats, some ran off to Ralia. Dominic had sent his men after some and others he'd followed himself.

Despite my initial inhibitions, I knew it needed to be done. I couldn't imagine my daughter growing up in a world where her life was in constant danger. I couldn't bear the thought of anything untoward happening to her.

Sometimes, Dominic would be gone for short periods of time every now and then. In his absence, I'd been governing the nation along with taking care of Jenna. It was a good thing I had help.

Lots of help.

"Eat baby." I cooed at Jenna and she obliged. I did notice a sparkle in her eye when she looked at Dominic. He gave her a smug smile in return.

"Finish your food first." He repeated. They'd definitely made some sort of a deal. I didn't bother asking him what it was about, as long as she ate.

"You're surprisingly good with her." I was still in awe of him.

"Come on then. We need to leave for your brother's wedding soon." He chuckled as I stared at him some more.

Speeding up my lunch, I made a mental note of all the things we needed to do before leaving for Ralia. Jace and Ariadne were getting married, which meant that we were going to be away for a couple of days.

Ariadne was to be officially introduced to the society, so she'd left a month prior. Ralia's royal family had a lot of social obligations, as expected. Even though I wanted to be there and support her, I had work.

Jace had also suggested that it was best if Ariadne did it alone. She needed to look strong and independent as the future duchess. Jace had also mentioned that even though I had good intentions, in court it could seem like I was trying to overshadow her.

Ralia's court politics were a lot more complex than Isolde's. Their royal family was a lot bigger too. Here, there were just three official members of the royal family and there were no subtle politics amongst us. I had to deal with unpleasant council members sometimes but that was it. A few generations down the line, perhaps, the situation in Isolde would be different. I had mixed feelings about it.

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