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For the next couple weeks Eliott is like a whirlwind on crack.
Their home is filled with half written scripts and thousands of storyboard drawings.
He is in his element and Lucas is enjoying every second of watching him twirl every direction.
He just keeps back and gives thoughts when asked.
He makes sure his boyfriends coffee mug is always filled.
Makes sure he eats and gets enough sleep.
He even entertains the growing number of production people that begin to join the project.
On this evening he finds himself blessedly alone as Eliott went right from school to location scouting with his cameraman, Max.
He'd been in such a rush that he'd forgotten his phone.
Lucas thought about running out to find him and deliver it but then he'd made the mistake of having a bath and well after that he just wasn't in the mood to go anywhere.
He knew Eliott could handle himself and would be fine.
He picked it up to put it on his desk when he saw the huge number of messages on his locked phone.
When had Eliott gotten a password on his phone?
He looks at the screen and sees Lolas name over and over again.
Texts and calls.
Everything in him slams to a stop. This was too much. What possibly could a 16 year old girl and a 20 year old have in common that would make this normal?
He picks up his own phone and makes a call.
"Hi Lucas" the voice says.
"Hi Daphy. I'm sorry to bother you. Ummm Eliott left his phone here and I'm seeing Lola calling and messaging like crazy. Is everything ok over there? I'm getting worried."
There's silence on the other end.
"Sorry. I had to go somewhere she won't overhear me. She's in her room. I'm glad you called. Eliott has been wonderful to her. Really. Listening to her when she's ranting, trying to get her to cut back on the drugs and drinking. He's even almost convinced her to speak to a therapist again..."
Lucas can hear the but coming. He mentally tries to prepare himself.
"But honestly Lucas....I'm getting a bit concerned that she's maybe too attached to him. It feels wrong to me."
"Has something happened I don't know about?"
He's terrified to hear the answer.
"No. No. Not on Eliotts end at least. I just think his interest in her is being taken the wrong way by her. Anytime I try to tell her to give him some space, give you two space she loses her shit on me."
He knew it.
He fucking knew it.
"I just think it might be good for her if Eliott backs off a little. Do you think you could talk to him about it?"
She sounds tired and at her wits end.
"Yep. I'm on it."
They hang up.
Just then his phone goes off.
He answers.
It's Eliott.
"Babe did I leave my phone there?" He asks. Lucas can hear traffic in the distance.
"Yeah. You've got a new password I see."
Eliott is quiet.
"Yeah I was going to tell you about it but you were asleep when I got in. So cute. Anyway I was out tagging the other night and caught a friend of Lolas reading my messages. It was fucking creepy. The password is 9973, if you want to...I don't know.... If you want to check on me"
Lucas can hear the sadness and worry in his voice.
He types the numbers into Eliotts phone.
He's telling the truth.
That's the password.
What is he doing?
Stop Lucas.
Just stop.
He puts the phone down.
"I don't need to check anything. I trust you. Do you need me to run it over to you?"
"No, babe. I'll be home soon. Will you be there? There's something I need to tell you."
His eyes close at that.
He's going to tell me about Lola and her fixation on him.
Thank god.
Finally this weird connection would be over.
"I'll be here."
"Ok good. Shouldn't be longer than another hour. I love you."
"I love you more."

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