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There was a distance spreading between them. He noticed that a couple months after they'd moved in together. Eliott was gone more and more, supposedly working or working on his projects.
He felt sad.
He felt nervous.
And worst of all he felt guilty.
He knew all his faults. His insecurities brought forth by his childhood experiences. He knew he wasn't easy sometimes. That he needed constant reassurance that this was where Eliott wanted to be.
With him.
He was doing his best to give Eliott space whenever an episode came round. He'd even thrown out hundreds of dollars of food from their first housewarming party that wasn't. He tried his best to not be like Lucille, as Eliott always used to tell him.
Don't be clingy.
Don't micromanage him.
Baby him.
He was trying.
But lately it felt like he was failing again and to be honest it was becoming exhausting to constantly have to watch what he said or asked or even felt sometimes.
He knew they had promised minute to minute but now it felt like second to second.
They were on shaky ground.
And Lucas was starting to get angry.
And it was getting harder and harder for him to hide it from his boyfriend.
He'd resorted to taking long walks now when Eliott was gone. Just so he didn't feel cooped up in the apartment and in it's vast loneliness.
Today was no different.
Except this time Imane had joined him. He needed her no nonsense, straightforward, voice of reason.
"I still don't understand why you don't just tell him how you feel?" She asked her amazing dark eyes confused.
"Because it always starts a fight. He gets defensive immediately. Throws out the Lucille card and I...well I shutdown. I don't want to fight with him, Imane. I hate it."
"So instead you just what? Pretend everything is fine? Listen, I love Elliot too, but sometimes he has this way of thinking it's his world and we are all just living in it. But Lucas. It isn't. You both need to sit down and talk. This can't keep going on. Something will explode it always does."
"I don't want to lose him, Imane."
They turned a corner and Lucas say a graffiti mural.
"Wait. I just need to get a pic of this. Eliott will
love it!"
He moved closer, taking out his phone, and that's when he saw it.
The small raccoon drawing of Eliotts. There was no mistaking it. He'd know his boyfriends art anywhere.
He took a picture of it.
His face growing serious.
He knew how important his art was to Eliott.
It was something he was equally passionate about.
When had Eliott started tagging?
And why hadn't he told him?

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