Calm Before The Storm

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When Lucas arrived home that night after seeing the tag he ignored the call of his name from Eliott.
He walked right into the bathroom and undressed, turning on the water and letting the steam fill the room.
He undressed, still hearing the sound of the TV playing.
Eliott was watching another one of his pretentious art house movies.
Lucas sank under the stream of hit cascading water trying to wash away the anxiety that riddled him now.
Eliott was hiding something from him again. He thought they were past this part of their relationship. He thought his boyfriend trusted him, like he trusted Eliott.
He was wrong.
He had parted ways with Imane and then ventured out on his own. He went to every place he could think of that had graffiti in the city. He found hundreds of raccoon tags. The last place he went, was their place and sure enough there it was. High up in the rafters.
He felt his heart sink. He walked home feeling every kind of emotion.
Should he confront him directly?
He knew what that meant.
A long night of talking and explaining, of fighting and finally making up.
He realized he didn't have the energy for it.
Now he stood naked under the water trying to forget about the elephant in the room.
The elephant his boyfriend had no idea about. Guess that made them even.
He grimaced at the sound of Eliotts voice. He hadn't heard him come in, so lost in his thoughts.
He doesn't bother to look back at him. He can already see him in his minds eyes. He would be smiling at him, those beautiful eyes lost in the creases of his smile. His hair a brilliant mess on his head. Lucas knew he'd cave if he looked. So he didn't.
"Didn't you hear me call you, babe?"
Lucas shook his head.
Lying because why not at this point.
"How was your walk with Imane?" Eliott asked cheerfully from behind him.
"Eventful" Lucas muttered.
"Is everything ok?"
He can hear the worry in his voice.
He's getting the idea something is up.
"No." Lucas says and turns to face him then.
Eliotts eyes drift over his body.
"What can I do?" He asks Lucas.
"Get in here and fuck me"
The bluntness surprises them both and soon Eliott is with him under the water. His hands on Lucas hips as he slips inside him.
Afterwards they end up in the bed. After having very hot...very rough sex.
Lucas hadn't been gentle.
There'd be marks in them both.
He took his anger out on Eliott in other ways.
Eliott wasn't complaining.
"So what was the eventful thing with Imane?" Eliott asked him from where his head rested on Lucas' chest.
The hand that was playing in his hair stops as
Lucas numbly grabs his phone and opens the pictures.
He shoves it in front of Eliotts dreamy eyes.
He watches as Eliott sits up suddenly and looks at him.
"I can explain."
Lucas sits up against the headboard.
His face a mask.
He doesn't know why he isn't his emotional self.
It's freaking him out.
He can see it's freaking out Eliott as well.
"Lucas please listen to me."
"I'm all ears."
He folds his arms across his chest and waits for the excuse.

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