III. Genevieve

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I sat on the stool in front of the vanity in the room I had been given to stay in by Henry’s mother. She had given me the Princess’ chambers in the royal family’s wing to use as my own for as long as I had need of them, or so the Queen Mother Hyacinth told me. She had been most kind, and had even given me a wardrobe full to bursting with clothes she no longer had need of herself.

I stared at my reflection as I brushed through my long, red hair. I looked at the wound that I had suffered on my cheek last night. It was no longer an ugly shade of green caused by the infection since one of the servants here had applied a salve she swore wasn’t magical, but that had removed the infection so fast that it couldn’t have been anything else. It was now a bright red line across my porcelain white skin, surrounded with slightly aggravated skin that was a harsh pink. The salve had not only cleaned out the infection, but the wound was already closing much faster than it would had it healed at a natural pace. I could tell it would scar, and I couldn’t help but feel a sense of loss that my once flawless skin was now permanently marred.

Knock, knock! Someone was at the door. I put the brush back on the vanity and stood to answer the door. I opened it to see King Henry standing outside my door with another young man I didn’t know.

“Henry! What a pleasant surprise! Who’s this you’ve brought with you?” I smiled warmly at them both.

“I’m glad you’re in such good spirits Genevieve! This is Governor Lord Arthur of the Criecian Islands, and my best friend of almost twelve years now. Arthur, this is Lady Genevieve, daughter of the late Governor Lord Dietrich of Pren.” Henry introduced his companion to me, and I extended my hand in greeting.

“A pleasure to make your acquaintance, my lady.” Lord Arthur took my outstretched hand, and placed a gentle kiss on top of it. “Henry has spoken most highly of you.” He winked at Henry and flashed a wide, charming grin at me.
“The pleasure is entirely mine, my lord.” I blushed and withdrew my hand. “What brings the both of you here today?” I asked, returning my attention to Henry.

“Well, we have a matter of the utmost importance to discuss with you, and wondered if you would like to accompany us on a ride through the woods just outside the palace gates while we do so?” Henry’s eyes kept darting over to Arthur, who was still staring at me with a look I couldn’t identify on his face.
“I would be delighted to join you! Might I have a few moments to change into something more suited to riding before hand, and meet you by the stables?” I looked down at my floor length velvet gown. It wasn’t exactly the best attire to go traipsing through the woods in.
“Certainly! We’ll see to it that your horse is ready when you arrive!” Henry agreed. “Let’s go then, Arthur, and leave the lady in peace.”
“Of course, I eagerly await our reunion, Lady Genevieve.” He bowed dramatically to me, and with that they started down the hall. As I closed the door I could hear Arthur say to Henry, “She’s even more stunning up close! Even with the scarring cut on her cheek!”
I laughed to myself as I closed the door. Arthur wasn’t exactly bad looking himself with his curly hair, deep blue eyes, and chiseled features, but he wasn’t quite as handsome as Henry, whose green eyes and dark blond hair were the prettiest I’d ever seen.

I turned to the trunkful of clothes. It had a wide variety of gowns and frocks, but I had also asked if there were any pants and shirts I might be able to wear. I had never loved wearing dresses, and I only wore them when I absolutely had to. When the Queen Mother Hyacinth had brought me to these chambers, she had insisted I be put in one of the finest gowns in the trunk, but had also agreed to grant my wish for the pants and shirts. The dress she had had the servants dress me in after a bath was a deep, forest green that hugged every bend and curve of my figure perfectly. She had given me a thin gold belt to drape over my waist to adorn the gown, and the sleeves were long and flowed in a bell shape that fell almost to the floor. It was a beautiful gown, no doubt, and I brought out the bright red of my hair, shifting colors in my eyes, and my pale skin wonderfully, but I still preferred a man’s pants and tunic. They were much easier to move about freely in as I had found over the years.
I changed into a cream white, loose fitting blouse, with a pair of pants beneath it that were almost exactly the color of the dress I had been wearing. I put on a yellow bodice over the blouse, and tied a cloak that had been in the wardrobe at my throat. I rarely wore shoes other than men’s leather boots, so I had no need to change my shoes. I looked at myself in the full length mirror next to the wardrobe and nodded in satisfaction at what I saw. I walked out the door of the chambers, twisting my hair into a braid over my shoulder as I walked. I came across a maidservant who pointed me in the direction of the stables, and off I went to join Lord Arthur and Henry for our ride.
I exited the keep of the castle just outside the stables, where Henry and Arthur were standing next to two massive horses, one of which I recognized as Athena, talking to a groom about something. I walked over to them, and Henry recognized me coming and greeted me. “Genevieve! We were just talking about which horse you might like to ride today as well as for the duration of your stay at the palace.”
Arthur looked at me, his eyes sweeping my entire body from the toes of my boots to the top of my head. “Not a fan of the heavy gowns, my lady?” He chuckled and smiled at me.
“Not exactly no. I prefer to be able to breathe,” I shot back without a moment’s hesitation.
“My cousin's daughter is the same way,” He laughed.
“I would very much like to meet this young lady then!” I smiled. “Now Henry, you said something about a horse for me.”
“Yes! Bardolf here has a few selections for you.” Henry gestured to the groom. “Bardolf, this is Lady Genevieve of Pren I spoke of. She’s in need of a horse this fine afternoon, and I believe you said you had several she might take a liking to?”
Bardolf perked up. “Of course, Your Majesty! My lady, it is a pleasure to see you in good health. I heard of your close encounter with death last night, and I offer my sincerest condolences to you for your losses.”
“Thank you, Bardolf. Your sympathy is greatly appreciated.” I smiled at him. All four of us walked into the stables, which were much larger than the ones at Morwyn y Pren. Bardolf led us to a stall that was larger than my old chambers back home.
“This here is Benedict,” said Bardolf, rubbing the gelding on the nose as he came over to the door of the stall where we stood. “He’s a bit older, but he’s a gentle giant. His Majesty told me of your previous experience with horses, so I thought you might appreciate his mellow temperament as a relatively inexperienced rider.”
I reached out to pet the gelding. He was a tall, well-built creature with a dark, dappled gray coat that contrasted beautifully with his creamy white mane and tail. “Hello there, Benedict. My name is Genevieve.” I introduced myself to him, and he nuzzled my hand, looking for some sort of treat. “I’m sorry, but I don’t have anything for you.” He pushed my hand off his nose, and we all laughed.
“He’s a bit of a spoiled thing. He was once the Queen Mother’s mount when she still rode with her husband on official trips.” Arthur commented. “Now he just sits here, eating his weight in feed, and proving an excellent ornament to the royal stables.”
“That is certainly true, although I believe you were incorrect in saying that he only serves as an ornament. He is still offered to the noblemen as a steed during my hunting excursions.” Henry elbowed Arthur in the ribs. Their friendship seemed to be one of jokes, teasing, and laughter from what I’d seen of them.
“He seems like a lovely horse, but I think I’d like to see the others,” I said to Bardolf.
“Very well, my lady. Right this way then.” He started walking across the aisle to the stall just across from Benedict’s. “This lovely lady here is actually Athena’s younger sister. Both her and her sister were bred from the same Percheron mare and stallion, and they’re the closest related horses we have in the stables. This beauty’s name’s Ophelia.” She came right up to us, and thrust her nose into my hand immediately, snuffling about for a treat just like Benedict had. “She’s very friendly to people she likes, and it seems like she likes you.”
“Hello Ophelia! Your sister is a lovely mare, but not nearly so lovely as you are, I think!” It was true. As beautiful as Athena was with her dark, sleek brown coat and white feathering on her fetlocks, was nowhere near as stunning as her younger sister. Ophelia’s coat was pitch black, and glossier than polished silver. She had a small, white star on her forehead that was covered with the thickest mane I’ve ever seen; it was just as dark as the rest of her coat, but it was long, full, and had small pieces of pale blue ribbon braided throughout it. She was the most beautiful horse I’d ever seen by far.
“She is certainly a beauty, isn’t she.” Henry stood next to me and reached out to pet the mare. “When Bardolf said he had considered her as an option for you, I knew you’d like her.” he smiled down at me. “Ophelia isn’t exactly the friendliest horse, so I’m surprised she took to you so quickly.”
Ophelia nuzzled into my hand and nickered softly. I twirled her forelock around my fingers, stroking her muzzle. “I think I’ve made a decision, gentlemen.” I looked over at Bardolf, and nodded. He moved to grab a halter for Ophelia. Henry, Lord Arthur and I walked back out where the other horses were being saddled and bridled for our ride.
“A wise choice, Genevieve. Ophelia will serve you well.” Henry walked over to Athena, and picked up a brush and started brushing through her forelock. 

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