XV. Henry

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I looked down the aisle to see Genevieve coming towards me with Arthur. I was in full uniform: navy blue tunic trimmed in gold over a white shirt, a golden sash over my chest, with my cape trimmed in fur draped over my shoulders. I had my crown on my brow, and my sword at my side in its ceremonial scabbard. I looked over to see Mother smiling at Genevieve from the other side of the dais behind where Genevieve would stand across from me as my bride came down the aisle to me. When my eyes met Genevieve's, I was so stunned by her absolute radiance I had to wipe a tear away from the corner of my eye. Her dress was perfect, and it made her look even more like an angel than she usually did. Her necklace sparkled on her throat like a billion tiny stars captured and glittering there against her skin. The bouquet in her hands was an explosion of roses and lily of the valley, as well as a number of other lilies. I couldn't believe I was lucky enough to be marrying such a beautiful woman. I was beaming, and her own smile was growing as well.

As she and Arthur neared the dais I stood on with the priest, they came to a stop.

"You may be seated," the priest addressed the nobility in attendance. "My Lord Arthur, are you willingly giving Lady Genevieve away to be wed to King Henry today?" He asked.

"I am," Arthur answered confidently.

The priest nodded and turned to Mother. "And do you, Queen Mother, approve of this match between your son, High King Henry Bartholomew Bennet William III, and Governor Lady Genevieve Evangeline Maria Eleanor of Pren?"

"Wholeheartedly," She smiled. "I could not have found a better woman for him, and I will gladly hand my position as queen consort to her as the wife of King Henry, my son."

"In that case, you may retrieve your bride, Your Majesty." The priest gestured to Genevieve.

I stepped off the dais, and Arthur took her hand and put it in mine. "You look outstanding, my love," I whispered into her ear as we walked back up the dais. Genevieve smiled shyly and blushed. Arthur helped straighten her skirt before moving to stand behind me as my best man.

"Let's begin, shall we?" The priest looked between us, and smiled. "Lords and ladies, nobility of our beloved Evalor, standing before you are the man and woman who fought to protect our land and its people from certain doom at the hands of a sorcerer bent on destroying the monarchy. They have faced challenges many of us could not imagine, and yet they bore that burden with strength, dignity, and wisdom. We are gathered here today to witness the union of these two in sacred matrimony. Today, our king takes a bride, and she will become his queen. Today, the savior of Evalor as we know and love it will be put on the throne she was destined for since birth. With that being said, if anyone here has any opposition to the marriage between His Majesty and Lady Genevieve, speak now, or forever hold your piece." The room was silent. "Very well, since there is no opposition, then we shall move on to the vows. Your Majesty, my lady, please join hands."

I watched Genevieve as she handed her bouquet to Mother, who stepped forward to take it. She moved with such elegance and poise, I couldn't help but stare. She turned back to me, a smile gracing her heavenly face, and took my hands in hers. "I love you, Genevieve" I mouthed.

"I love you, Henry," She mouthed back, blushing.

The priest cleared his throat and asked me, "Do you, Henry, take Lady Genevieve to be your wife and queen, to rule alongside you for as long as your reign endures, to raise your family beside you for as long as you live?"

I answered without a doubt in my mind, "I do."

"Do you promise to cherish her above all others, to protect her from any harm or misfortune that may befall her, and to remain faithful to her in times of wealth and times of hardship?"

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