"Might catch your lips." I laugh, taking her finger and kissing it gently. "I'll see you in the office?"

"No, I'll buy lunch," she says. "I wasn't able to cook this morning thanks to a certain someone calling me at three in the morning asking me if I was really her girlfriend."

"That's so inconsiderate." I click my tongue disapprovingly. "But maybe she just woke up in the middle of the night and thought it was all a dream, y'know? Can't really blame her."

"I think she's being overdramatic," she teases. "Let's go. I'm starving."

We shoulder our way in the cafeteria, earning a few looks our way. I used my ninja skills to pay for Julia's meal before she can even take her purse out. "I think whoever disturbed your sleep would like to offer a meal as compensation."

Kris waved for us to join them in their table. I glance at Julia who gives me a nod of approval.

We've hung out with them a couple of times before and she seems to like the company. It makes me feel at ease because she's finally starting to come out of her shell. Or rather, people are starting to realize that she's not as unapproachable as they think.

We were almost to the table when I bump into someone, hard. I stumble sideways, also bumping into Julia. "Shit, sor—"

"How many times do I have to tell you to watch where you're going, dyke?" David made sure to spit out that last word loud enough for a few people to look in our direction. His two teammates from the soccer team behind him snickers. I catch a glimpse of Diane standing up from our usual table.

I was about to snap at him, but I feel a warm hand on my arm. "You okay?" Julia asks softly. Almost too soft.

Just like that, my annoyance flickered. My lips form a smile. "Yup."

Her eyes flick to David. "Watch where you're going," she snaps.

David's eyebrows rise. He works his jaw, looks away, then looks back at Julia. "Can I talk to you for a minute?"

"No." Julia turns away and continues to walk to the table.

Before I can follow her, David blocks my way. "Not so fast."

"Dude, seriously. What the fuck is your problem?"

He gives me what he must think is a friendly smile but all I see is his veins popping at his embarrassment. "Let's talk. Somewhere alone."

Before I can protest, he has an arm around my shoulders like we're old drinking buddies, steering me towards the exit.

I slap his hand away. "I told you to—"

"Get your fucking hands off my girl."

Someone yanks David from behind, followed by a hard thud. I turn around to see David's face planted on the nearest table with one arm behind his back, twisted in an unnatural angle. Pinning him down is none other than Julia, who looks way too calm for someone who's about to break someone's arm.

"What the fu—"

Julia kicks the back of his knee and David falls to the floor. "Apologize." Her voice was low, deadly calm.

"Why would—"

Julia twists his arm. David screams in pain. "Now."

"All right I'm sorry! Fuck I'm sorry!" David looked like he was on the verge of crying.

Still, Julia doesn't let go. She was breathing heavily as if trying to calm herself down. One of David's cronies tries to step forward but one murderous look from her stops him in his tracks.

Everything I'm Not (GirlxGirl)Where stories live. Discover now