Light 'em up, Brah!

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No one's p.o.v

Fresh looks around, the sticker activated. Everything is lit up and visible. Even the threats between the trees. Fresh sighs dramatically and runs through the forest, jumping over rocks and threats. He picks up Cason's warmth signature in the cottage upstairs and his friend's downstairs. He grabs his bat and hold onto it tightly. He leans up against the wall, crawling under the windows. He is careful not to be noticed by the enemy. The dirt smudges onto him. By the door, he stands up and smashes it down with his bat at full power. The skeleton before him looks a little startled with two glasses of smoothie in his hands." I knew you would come eventually, Fresh. Didn't know it would be this soon." Cason laughs to himself, earning a glare from the young male. Fresh launches forward without hesitation and swings his bat at the monster, only to get blocked by a bone. The smoothie crashes onto the floor, glass flying everywhere." How disappointing. Haven't you learned anything, boy?" Cason uses his blue magic and draws Fresh closer to him. Before Fresh lands a hit on him with the metal bat, he is send flying towards the wall behind him, his bat slipping out of his bony hands. The wooden wall splinters into pieces and Fresh gasps and groan in pain. He grits his teeth and dodges the summoned bones charging at him. Cason stands with the metal bat in his hands, his eye glowing a sharp yellow." You know what, brah? I am done being radical, old man! You have done some unradical stuff, broseph, but you know what they say, karma is a [beach]" Fresh gives up on talking normal. He is done being nice. Fresh chuckles and dodges the gaster blasters easily. His lips curl up in a smirk as he gets close. But it was too late. Cason teleported above him and smashes the bat against Fresh's skull, a cry leaving the small skeleton. Everything is blurred and his skull is cracked. He hisses and puffs, reaching for his guns. He fires at the figure before him and dodges the bat. Fresh jumps onto the couch and bounces off of it. He lands in front of the basement door, but the bat hits his arm. A loud crack is heard following a blood curling scream from Fresh. Something had snapped.

Bird Sans' p.o.v

I hear the scream of a familiar voice. The loud thumps of the fight, crashes and gunshots scares me. Tears roll down my bloody cheekbone. Never have a felt so helpless and such each to help Fresh. He had came here to safe me despite going against a killer. The shackles rattles when I try moving. I can't do anything to help. I just hope Fresh is alright. I try moving my wing, but it's unmovable. He had cut them and broken my good wing. It had hurt and still hurts like hell. Like someone is pouring acid onto my wings. I screamed his name when the sound of the door breaking open and a body falling down the set of stairs. I don't know who it is, but judging by the insane laughter, it is Fresh falling. I cry for help in hopes he will continue fighting. It goes silent to the sound of a gunshot. Did someone die? I let out a choked cry. My wrists are red with droplets of blood from hanging there for hours. I try breaking free hopelessly again, but the chains won't budge. It's so dark I can't see anything in the room except myself and the chains to the wall behind me. If I use my magic, my injuries will get worse and I'll loose more blood. My soul jumps, when I hear the fighting continue. He isn't dead, so there is still hope! But he isn't dead either.

Joanna p.o.v

In the early noon, Error and Ink picks me up." Uncle Ink and Error!" I run up to the pair and hugs them. Error looks startled and Ink looks at me with a goofy smile." Sure Joanna, your uncles are here!" I let go of them and take a hold of their hands in mine and drag them with me inside my school. Everyone is staring at me, but I don't care. I have love in my life and I won't let them break it. I look up at the pedagogue Undertale Toriel. I know there is one looking like her in Fresh's school also called Toriel, but she is from an universe called Reapertale and she can heal people and other stuff." Hi miss Toriel! Ink and Error are picking me up!" I smile as she kindly smiles and tells me to get my bag. I run for it and make it back in no time. They talk a little before I come running and we leave." How was your day, Joanna?" I told them about how weird Fresh acted this morning and then a talk about school and friends. We walk back to Fresh's school and I see a glimpse of Fresh leaving quickly as the bell rings." I'll go find PJ!" I run inside the big school and look around. I've never seen so many people in one place, not even in mine. I see him with a bunny and runs up to him." PJ! Do you know where papa Fresh is going?" He shakes his skull no and I look at the girl. Her glare and her clothes made me dislike her. She reminds me of my mom. A chill run down my spine." I don't like you. You're a meanie. Come on PJ! We're getting Cil and going to visit Cray!" I grab his hand and drag him out of school. He trips surprised by my strength. I giggle and give him a bright smile. I wave at Ink and Error and we go sit in the car. I got PJ's phone and took his headphones to listen to music. I see them talking and PJ looking worried and surprised. I wonder what they're talking about.

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