Chapter Three

Mulai dari awal

We made our way to our Maths class and I sighed. I absolutely hated Maths with a passion, my brain never seems to completely get it. I groaned. "I hate Maths," I grumbled to Lydia as I sat a seat and she takes a seat behind me.

"I know you do, which is why I'll give you my notes so you can understand everything you've missed," Lydia offered to me and I smiled gratefully as I turned to her, but then my smile dropped and I frowned. "What?"

"That means I have to study," I tell her, my eyes widening. "I don't know where to start with Maths. Maybe I should drop out of Maths."

She leant forward. "Maths is important, I'll get Stiles to tutor you." My heart speed up nervously. I turned around in my seat so she doesn't see my nerves. My eyes wander to the door and I watched Malia Tate come in with her books clutched to her and her eyes' widen as she spots the Maths board scribbled in numbers and other Mathy things that I don't understand.

She slowly backs away from the door, my brain encouraging her. Do it, Malia. Run for the hills and never turn back! But, of course, Stiles comes in and pushes her in. "I hate Math," she tells him strongly. "It's pointless."

"It's school," Stiles tells her, guiding her to a desk as other students file in. "School is important and Math is essential." Malia takes a seat next to me, Stiles takes a seat beside Lydia.

Malia turned around to Stiles. "To what?"

"Knowing how much to tip at restaurants," Stiles stated and Lydia looked over at him, giving him this look.

She leans forward. "And other less important things like medicine, economics, engineering..." Lydia looked over at Malia.

"Tipping." Stiles quickly added in and I tried to hide a smile at him. I quickly masked it up; frowning.

"All right, volunteers to the board." Ms. Fleming speaks, standing at the head of the board and I closed my eyes, holding my breath. Please don't pick me, please don't pick me. "Lydia, Addison, and Malia."

My eyes shoot open and they widen. "Um..." Malia begins, looking just as panicked as I was as I slowly got up. "I didn't volunteer."

"You did now," Ms. Fleming smiled sarcastically at her. "To the board." I made my way to the board and picked up the chalk and waited for Lydia to come. She quickly figured it out in no time, meanwhile, I was still waiting there for an answer to come to my head.

Malia waits along with me. We're both stuck on the question because neither of us understands Math. I gave Ms. Fleming a quick glare, she's the reason for my embarrassment. My eyes go back to the green board.

"X equals 23," Lydia had whispered to me, I gave her a grateful look and quickly wrote it down on the board. She looked at Malia. "Did you go over the notes I gave you?" She asked her.

"I didn't understand them," Malia admitted, giving Lydia a worried look.

"X equals 25," Malia quickly wrote it down, Lydia made sure Ms. Fleming didn't hear us. "And sweetheart?" Lydia finished her question and put the chalk down the same time I did. She turned to Malia. "Put away the claws."

My eyes travelled down to Malia's claws, I bite my lower lip nervously and quickly made my way back to my seat and I sunk in my chair. "You did good," I heard Stiles behind me, my cheeks were scarlet red from first-hand embarrassment.

"I embarrassed myself," I muttered under my breath shamefully. Malia has a good excuse for not understanding Math, she was a were-coyote for most of her life, but me? I don't know shit about Math.

"Hey, I can tutor you," Stiles had offered and I turned to him, my eyes scanning him. Oh, God, my feelings for him are coming back hard, and I don't like it. I just got on good terms with him. Suddenly, his phone started buzzing and he quickly got it out from his pocket casually.

He glanced at me worriedly.

I sighed heavily. What is it now?

"An Axe murder?" Kira questioned as Scott, Stiles, Kira, and I walked down the hallways in between classes. Stiles' got a news alert about a homicide taken place earlier today. Or, last night.

"A family murdering axe murderer," Stiles speaks hurriedly, a little loudly, as the students walk by and I narrow my eyes at him. These guys' talk way too loudly in the hallways.

"I already heard about it," Scott hesitantly said, walking slightly ahead of Stiles.

"Wait. What? You did? How?" Stiles blurts out, his eyes widening.

"My Mum called me," Scott explained. "She knew we'd see it on the news."

"Perfect let's go." Stiles turned the other way, and my eyes widen. Does he not forget that we're in school?

"We've got Econ in five minutes," Scott reminds us as he waits by his locker.

"All right." Stiles comes back and looked at us. "Did you forget the part about the family murdering axe murderer?"

"Did you forget your Dad is the Sheriff?" Scott fires back. "They want us to stay out of it."

"Are you guys kidding me?" Stiles hisses. "There's a family murdering axe murderer and we're not going to do anything about it?"

"Maybe we should just let the adults handle it," Kira suggested.

Stiles looked at us in disbelief, his eyes widening. "So you guys', you just want to stay here, school, go to class. Never heard anything so irresponsible in my life!"

Stiles turned on his heel, walking down the hall. "See you at tryouts?" Scott called out to him, in response, he waves his arms in the air dramatically. I sighed when the bell rings. Scott turned to Kira. "Hey, so you know that thing you wanted to talk about..."

Kira smiled hopefully. "Yeah,"

"Yeah," Scott quickly grabbed some books from his locker. "Can we talk later? After tryouts? Do you mind waiting? It won't be that long."

"Uh... I..." Kira mumbled, holding the straps of her bag. "Sure."

"Great," Scott closes the door, smiling. "See you then," my eyes widen in shock just like Kira's when Scott pecked her on the lips like it was a natural thing. "Let's go, Addison,"

I followed along with him. Holy shit, when did they happen? We both walked into Econ, I didn't say anything; I wanted him to say something first. I turned around to him and as we sat down. He looked up at me with realisation, his eyes widening and his mouth opened.

"Oh, God."


Ahhh thanks so much for 300 views!! This means a lot!

Hope you guys enjoyed this chapter!

Love y'all so much, see you tomorrow!

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