12 chorophobia.

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chorophobia - the fear of dancing.


also known as; jeon jungkook's dream.

at least it used to be.

before he met the ash blonde boy, all he wanted to do was be alone. he learned to enjoy his lonesomeness; wallowing in his self pity. whether he was alone in his room or in a big crowd, he always had some form of bubble around him, stopping him from communicating with meaning.

however, as he opened up more and more to taehyung, he felt his old self come back. the one who yearned for attention, affection, something new. the one who liked cute indie songs, singing, playing the guitar.

and so here he was; for the first time in months, he was determined on working towards his old self. he had one person to thank, and that person was the only one in the room with him.

well, he wasn't, but he was the only one he could focus on.

the dance studio was a lovely place. fairly small due to lack of funding, yet it had character. photos of the dancers covered the walls, showcasing the pure talent that they held in the college. jungkook was on one; having had a photo shoot taken in a silhouette form. in fact, any dancer that was enrolled into the college's dance academy was on the wall.

currently the speakers boomed; playing the black eyed peas' pump it. in front of the mirrors sat the certain ash blonde, his knees tucked to his chest, arms resting atop of his kneecaps. he was watching the three boys, admiring their talent.

the trio performed exceptionally well, despite it simply being a walkthrough. they performed the moves lazily, however there were still sharpness in them. due to the layout of the song, all three had their respective solos with each verse, the other two acting as backing dancers.

however with each chorus the trio would fall into a mix of canon and synchronisation. taehyung loved it, especially his friends' part.

each solo showcased their different styles; the first verse was jung hoseok's. lots of body popping, an extreme street style which fit the song perfectly. it looked as if he was performing on stage, as if he was rapping the song.

it was admirable.

the second verse was jungkook's. he threw his body a lot, making taehyung's eyes widen ever so slightly. he noticed the little things, the way he snapped into place so quickly. a body roll was performed which taehyung could not ignore, as his hands patted down his body to the music.

after the second chorus there was a certain fast part - which they all shared in sync. it looked really, really cool.

then there was fergie's iconic verse, in taehyung's opinion. with the feminine sound, there was only one dancer left. park jimin. following the vibe of the lyrics, his solo was more sensual than the others, more sexy, more feminine.

exactly what min yoongi left jungkook for.

taehyung noticed how jungkook hardly watched him as he performed his solo.

the choreography was extremely quick and taehyung could tell it would be exhausting to perform fully, and that was when he found his adoration for dancers.

once the song came to an end, jungkook looked at the two boys. "i'm coming back. for good."

the two smiled widely, jimin clapping to himself as hoseok hugged him tightly. jungkook stared at taehyung as he was held, admiring the little smile on his face.

"this is going to be so great!" hoseok yelled and pulled away, looking over jungkook's body for a second. "get your muscle back, and it's gonna be sick. oh my god, you could even do the showcase! it's back to normal!"

jimin laughed a little, however there was little emotion. his eye caught jungkook's, who quickly looked away.

"we'll see." the youngest sighed, walking over to the ashy blonde who had recently stood up. "what did you think..?"

taehyung instantly grinned and clapped his hands wildly. "it was amazing! you were amazing! i'm- you have to show me more. please."

the younger turned completely red, scratching behind his neck gently and looking at the floor. he really wasn't used to compliments. he was used to the, you guys are good, not the you are good.

especially not from pretty boys who liked art and painting, like taehyung.

"i'll, uh... i'll have a look on my phone, see if there's any videos and stuff." jungkook spoke in a mumble, grabbing his bag from the boy.

the ashy blonde smiled and nodded. "i'd like that... will you come with me to art? i need to grab some brushes."

jungkook nodded and began to leave with him, waving to hoseok. taehyung did the same, flashing a grin to jimin.

they had started to spend almost every day together. whenever their timetables worked together, they spent every minute with each other. jungkook had began going out of his way to pick taehyung up, so he didn't have to walk on his own.

the elder had protested at first. however seeing jungkook pull up in his convertible beside him, a pair of circular glasses perched on his nose and a small smile on his face, it was irresistible. taehyung had gotten in without a word, listening to the music that jungkook had on while thinking how jungkook would have had to go the opposite way from college to pick him up.

it made taehyung smile like an idiot for the rest of the way.

"hey, what're you doing tonight?" jungkook asked the other, throwing his backpack into the back seats of the car in front of him.

he thought for a minute before shrugging, getting into the passenger seat of jungkook's steel grey convertible. "nothing."

the brunette grinned at him before starting the engine. "sweet. you're coming to the drive-in with me." he began to drive, shifting slightly in his seat. "my family are dragging me there and i really don't want to go, so they said you can come if it made me come. they don't want me to be alone."

taehyung looked at him before looking forward, watching the trees move with the wind, their leaves still not growing back yet from the harsh winter. "okay. i'll come to your place."

jungkook just stayed quiet, a small smile still on his face.

seeing jungkook smile started to become taehyung's favourite hobby.

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