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The guard eyed her, suspicious, and nodded towards the gates, once she had set all her belongings in a little basket, that was now slowly heading towards the little checkout point, disappearing behind the 'curtains'. Clary walked through the gates and even though they stayed silent, a guard still stopped her, taking out a weird remote-like thing, that he used to scan her. She resisted the urge to roll her eyes. After all, she knew this was a maximum security prison. "All right, you're okay to go. Your belongings will stay here, all besides your phone, and you will get them back after the visit. You have 30 minutes." the guard said with a slight French accent, pointing towards another white door. He was tall and bald underneath the cap, the dark-blue uniform too big on him. His eyes were a cold gray and he smiled nastily, when Clary glided past him and his other colleagues. She felt their eyes on her and tried not to shiver. She had worn her baggy, ripped-at-the-knee jeans and a plain white T-shirt, but apparently, not a lot of young girls came by here. 

Making her way to the door, she flicked her locks from her face and stepped through. It was just like in the prison-break movies, a row of seats in front of the glass, behind which were also seats and both sides had telephones, through which to speak with. She glanced at the few people in there - she saw a couple at the back, a burly looking man sitting behind the glass with a guard next to him and a blond woman, who looked a lot like she was on crack. Her red nailpolish was peeling off and her eyes kept going around the room. When she eyed Clary as she walked up to one of the chairs, she saw that the woman's eyes were red and hooded. Clary glanced to the other person in the room, waiting, probably for a friend or a family member to be escorted there by the guards. He was tall and skinny, looking quite young with the cap on. He was staring right in front of him, not even paying attention to the door that fell shut with a bang behind Clary.

She took a seat and waited. When the door on the other side opened, she tried not to gasp. She hadn't seen him for so many years, it had been hard to imagine what he'd look like. When the guard set him in the chair, the handcuffs jingled around his arms. "30 minutes." again the guard said and Clary couldn't help but scoff. "Won't be needing that much." she said, rolling her eyes. The man didn't pay any attention to her, leaving at once. She took the phone and held it to her ear, looking at the man, who did the same. "Hello, father." she said with a venomous voice. Valentine smiled at her and if Clary didn't know any better, she'd have said it was sincere. "Hello, my sweet little daughter." he replied and his voice sounded gravelly, like he had just woken up. Or he had a soar throat. His complexion was pale and he had a black eye which was already fading away, but luckily, he had all his teeth. 

"Not so little any more. Orange suits you." Clary said, letting her eyes go over him once more. He looked terrible. But Valentine laughed, the sound not so pleasant to Clary's ears. "Still as witty as ever, I see. May I ask, to what do I owe this pleasure? I wouldn't have thought your mum would ever talk about me." he said then, his eyes not leaving Clary's face. She rolled her eyes again and lifted one foot over the other, swinging it about nervously. Because that's what she was, incredibly nervous, but she tried not to show it. "She didn't. Found out due to some... unfortunate circumstances. And I met my brother. Isn't he a sweetheart, huh?" Clary noted sarcastically and saw with satisfaction, that Valentine looked very surprised and a little taken aback. "You know about Jonathan?" he asked and Clary shook her head. "Not that it matters. He's just like you - a criminal. I would've have liked to get to know him, sadly he seemed to have a wish to kill me, so there's that." she said then. Valentine didn't seem to believe her. "Jonathan would never hurt his family. I know him." he said and Clary narrowed her eyes. "And how would you know? You left to be a criminal, leaving two kids at home with our mom, you wrecked our family and you have the audacity to claim you know your son?" she asked with a raised voice, but Valentine smiled. "You are not the only child of mine who has been visiting me." he stated.

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