Chapter 8

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A/N: SO. The long-awaited smut. Here it is. In all its glory. If, by any chance, you don't like it, then skip it, I will put the in-text warnings as well. If you like it, I apologize if it's crap. It is what it is. So, without further ado...


The plan was set. Simon padded to the kitchen in his sweats and no shirt, because he had just woken up. At noon. He was surprised he could sleep like that. He and Becky, Jace and the agent Clark had formed a plan and Clark had filled in the others back at the station. The worst was the waiting. Simon didn't have a clue as to what the hell was going on with their mum and he was scared. But Jace had promised to keep her safe, and he believed him. After that, Alec had gone straight to the bank. The agent offered to give them the exchange money, but Alec had loudly protested, instead of Simon, and it was settled. After that they had to wait until tomorrow for the transaction to go trough.

When they had gotten back, Becky went straight to Simon's room, locking herself in and listening to music, or sleeping, or whatever it was she was doing. She was mad at Simon and he could tell. But he didn't care. He was not about to let his sister go and get herself killed. Becky acted tough, like she knew what she was doing, because of her dreary past, but Simon knew for a fact that she was just as scared as everyone else. She had suffered enough and Simon knew it was his time to step up.

Taking an orange juice from the fridge he contemplated whether or not he should get dressed or should he just put on a show on netflix. The latter won, and he started to look for the chocolate chip cookies he knew Jordan had hidden somewhere. His roommate and Maia both knew what was going on and Jordan had offered to stay at Maia's place, so Simon and Becky could have space and that Simon could sleep at Jordan's room. Jordan wanted to be there for him, he was sure of it, but the offer was actually a relief to Simon - a little space was all he needed, after being crowded by all of his friends. Clary was the most clingy one and wherever she went, Isabelle was not far behind. Even when Clary called to check up on him, he could hear Izzy's voice chattering in the backround.

He scoffed, just thinking about it. Clary was a hopeless romantic with Isabelle. He just hoped that she wouldn't accidentally blurt out 'marry me' instead of 'do you want some doritos?'. Simon exclaimed happily, when he found the cookies, but then his doorbell rang. He eyed it suspiciously. He didn't have any friends coming over, at least not planned, and as far as he knew, Becky wasn't in the mood for guests. He warily went over to the door, peeking through the peephole. He smiled brightly and opened the door, finding Jace, who pushed past him and closed the door. "Um, hello to you too?" Simon said, looking at him strangely. Jace scanned the apartment and then let out a breath. "Sorry, old habits. I was just checking...anyways, hi." he said, pressing a kiss to the corner of Simon's lips. The brunette blushed a little but then frowned. "Are you even supposed to be here? I mean, if Raphael finds-" he started but Jace stopped him mid-sentence. "Don't worry, I made sure I wasn't followed." the blonde said as he let his eyes roam over Simon's bare chest. 

The brunette felt hot all of a sudden, very aware of his half-naked state. "Well, come on in." he stated, forcing himself to sound normal and went towards the kitchen. Jace smirked and eyed him. "Don't mind if I do." he replied smoothly and followed Simon. Jace had tight black jeans on and a shirt with sleeves ripped off under the leather jacket, that he now removed, placing it on the kitchen stool. Simon tried not to stare at his muscular arms. "So, where's your sister? And roommate?" Jace asked casually, leaning on the counter, while Simon struggled to open the package of cookies. "Jordan's at Maia's. Don't know when he'll be back, but he told me to use his room until he does come back. Becky is using mine, where she's been for the last..." Simon glanced at his wristwatch when he spoke ",12 hours, I'd say. She's pretty pissed about the whole 'You're not going to meet the big bad men who you owe money, I am.'" he concluded, finally getting the packet open and munched on a cookie. He felt an odd craving of sugar right now, but that could just be because he really wanted a cigarette.

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