Chapter 16

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When they got to the abandoned orphanage, it was getting darker by the minute. Clary looked at the building, shivering a little. Jace shot her a worried look, but gestured her to go through the gate, that was barely on its hinges. Their footsteps were silent on the grass as they approached the shed. They stopped before the door and Clary took a deep breath, shuddering. Jace glanced at her and then took her hand in his silently. Clary smiled at him and nodded. "Trust me, okay?" Jace whispered and the redhead nodded again. "Let's do this." she said, determined, and Jace opened the door. The shack was not well lit, so their eyes had to adjust to the darkness. Jace's other hand was on the hilt of his gun on the right, while Clary coughed a little. "Jeez, this place is dusty." she commented in the dim lit room and someone scoffed behind them. 

Jace turned them around quickly, letting go of Clary's hand to put his hand on the other gun. "Sorry, sis. I would've invited you to a hotel, but this will have to do for now." Jonathan snarled, stepping out of the shadows and in front of the door. Jace realized he was not alone this time. Two other men were with him, both looked as menacing as Jonathan, although the redhead had a wicked grin on his face. "You were almost late. I was starting to write Simon an eulogy." Jonathan commented, striding a bit closer, his eyes fixed on Clary. Jace gritted his teeth. When Jonathan stepped closer to the girl, Jacce moved in front of her a little. The man stopped, eyeing him angrily, but Clary touched Jace's arm softly. "It's okay, Jace." she said, reassuringly. She stepped out from Jace's shadow and stared at Jonathan defiantly. "Dear sister, we look more alike than I thought." he mused and then leaned in to touch her hair. Jace saw Clary shiver a little and anger rose in him. "I never knew I had a brother." Clary croaked out, her voice almost pitiful and Jonathan's hand dropped. His eyes reflected black. "Your mother... our mother just abandoned me. She took my family from me and I have no idea why. But now that I've found you...well, we have a lot of catching up to do." he stated, his face stoic. Clary drew in a sharp breath and Jace moved forward, just as the other two men did.

Before he could pull out his guns, they were captured, Jace's hands were pulled behind him in a tight grip and Clary shouted, surprised, when the other man twisted her arms back. The guy removed Jace's guns from him. Jonathan smiled menacingly. "I thought we could take a little detour. Shall we?" he asked and moved to leave the shed. Clary gave Jace a horrified look, when the man who held her captive shoved her forward. Jace struggled with all his strength but it was no use, the guy was twice his size and his bullet wound hurt when he twisted his shoulder, making him wince. Fuck, he thought. He prayed Mark was already there and he saw them leave, so they could follow. Otherwise... He tried not to think of it.

Jonathan pointed them to a black car and the men shoved them in, but not before they had bound their hands with zip cuffs. Jonathan sat in the front while a man sat between them on the back, the other one driving. Jace tried to count the seconds and minutes, to understand how far they were going, but lost his trail of thought when Simon popped into his head. He prayed that he'd be alright. He glanced at Clary, who was staring at Jonathan with wide eyes and he could see something in looked like pity. Jace frowned. This must've been hard for Clary, but the girl knew Jonathan was a bad man, in the end. He hoped that Clary would keep her word.

When they had been driving for a while, the man in between them took out two blindfolds, setting them on their eyes. "Can't have you knowing where we're going, can we?" Jonathan asked. "After all, you're little friends might be following us." the man continued and Jace felt his heart go cold. So he knew. God fucking damn it. Jace almost cursed aloud but remained still, seeing only pitch black. When the car finally stopped, Jace couldn't tell how long it had been. 15 minutes? Half an hour? An hour? He had no clue. The blindfolds were taken off and in the dark he could see that they were in a secluded area, with a vast field on their right. He tried to look for any other signs that could tell him something about their whereabouts, but there was nothing but a small dirt road from which they had come from and a big building on their left. "Come on." Jonathan commanded and went first, stepping towards the concrete building. It seemed to be like an abandoned office building, the concrete pillars still standing but the ceiling was half-collapsed. The men shoved Jace and Clary forward, when Jonathan stopped in the middle of a vast room. The windows on both sides were broken and Jace could smell the dust. The redhead smirked at them.

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