Chapter 9

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Simon was tugging on his denim jacket and gave himself a one-over from the mirror. He looked good. He had put on his best jeans, his tennis shoes and the shirt under the denim jacket was black with white words over it that spelled 'blink if you want me' (yeah, I stole this from the Bane Chronicles, lmao sue me). He had put on his eyeliner, something he hadn't done in ages, since Magnus first tried it out on him, and he had put on his many bracelets. His hair were styled perfectly and his nails were painted dark green. It looked like he was going out for a good night. He stared at his reflection and his face was stone cold. If he was going to die today, he might as well look his best. He sighed. He knew he was being dramatic. Well, maybe not. Santiago could just take the money and shoot him on the spot. He hoped that won't be the case. He really hoped, that it won't be the case.

His phone beeped with a message saying 'be there in 10' and he slipped his phone back into the pocket of his jeans and stepped out of his apartment. It was as empty as the day he moved in. At first, he thought living alone would be a blast. After many one night stands and drunken nights, he saw that a guy was looking for a roommate, but didn't want to live on campus. Simon called him up, and Jordan and him had hit it off immediately. Besides music, they both loved to surf and Jordan was overall a funny and caring guy, plus Maia was really nice to Simon from the start. So it all worked out great. They played a lot of video games and drank beer while watching a hockey game, that neither of them understood, so they just ended up talking and laughing at childish jokes. And Simon didn't party like he used to and he didn't feel so lonely as he used to. 

Now, the apartment was quiet. Jordan was still at Maia's, but he'll see them soon enough. He felt a strange feeling in the pit of his stomach. Like he was saying goodbye. Stop being ridiculous, Lewis. That's what Jace would say. He would also say that everything's going to be just fine and that he was going to make sure of it. But Jace didn't know what would happen. No one knew.

When he made it to the police station, all of his friends, including Luke, were already there, and Hailee was talking to the agent, Clark. "Simon!" Magnus exclaimed and came over to hug him. Alec was standing next to him, shuffling his feet while holding a huge duffel bag. When Magnus released his iron grip, Alec came closer and patted his shoulder. "Hey. How are you?" he asked, handing him the bag full of cash. "Well, I just got handed a buttload of cash so I'm pretty great." Simon tried to joke and Alec gave him an eyeroll. Magnus looked at him, worryingly. Clary came over and hugged him, too. "Si, it's going to be just fine." she whispered  the words Simon imagined Jace saying. Maybe it was better he wasn't here. Or was it even worse that he was going to be standing there, as much in danger as Simon?

"Alright, so no wires, like I said. You're meeting point is here. Once we have a confirmation that the drug exchange has happened and your mother is safe, my men will move in. They'll be about two blocks away, so..." Clark stated. Simon already knew all this. "And how will you know when it's time?" Simon asked, incredulous. "Jace has a way of letting us know." Clark said simply with a final tone. Simon didn't ask anything else. He turned to his friends. Maia and Jordan seemed hyper and terrified, they hadn't been here all the time like the others, so they were more freaked out than the rest. Magnus's face still showed worry and Clary looked like she was about to cry. Only Isabelle and Alec, sister and brother, remained calm, but Simon saw a little curd between Alec's eyebrows. Becky was still sulking in the corner.

"Don't worry. You'll be just fine, you'll give over the money, get your mother and get back. Easy peazy." Alec said, smiling at him a little. Magnus looked at him like he'd gone mad but Simon appreciated the lighter tone in their conversation. "I mean I could die. What if I die?" he asked, faking a hurt expression. Clary stared at him, angry and shocked and Isabelle shook her head, but Alec's expression was still amused. "You'd have a funeral?" he shrugged his shoulders and Magnus gasped. "Alexander!" he hit his shoulder, but Simon laughed. "No, dude, I mean what if I died, what would you do?" he asked, smiling at Alec. The taller boy mulled it over, like he was actually thinking. "I would go to the funeral?" he asked, his face blank. There was a moment of silence, before they all burst into laughter. Wiping a tear from the corner of his eye after several minutes, Simon sighed. "You crack me up Alec. I'm gonna miss that." Simon said, now serious, but Alec shook his head. "Come on, don't start. We'll see you later. Just don't do anything stupid." he said, now serious.

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