Chapter 2

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The place was huge. Simon had wondered where or how Maia's event should take place, but she had really thought of everything. The building they were in had a very, very big lobby, Simon suspected it was one of the Lightwood estates that they owned, and he was right, judging by the smug look on Alec's parents. Simon eyed them. They seemed strict, but put on their best faces for all the people coming in, greeting them. Maia was standing next to them, smiling at the guests and looked cute as ever in her yellow summer dress. Jordan was a little further, keeping an eye on her, whilst dealing with a bunch of children who wanted to pet the puppies. Simon laughed quietly, looking at Jordan's distraught face as he tried to manage it all.

In the center of the room was the most important area, where all kinds of dogs were sitting, playing, barking, doing what dogs do best. Each one had a person assigned by Maia, to introduce them to passers by, and taking care of them. Simon had already put his eye on one of the golden retrievers, by the name of Jack. He was just a year old, full of energy and he loved to bite at people's shoes. That made Simon laugh. He could train Jack to bite other people's shoes but not his and then they would both get a kick out of it. 

Dreaming away, Simon didn't notice Clary coming next to him at the bar, where he was currently on his second martini. "Earth to Simon!" she practically yelled, making Simon jump and glare at her. Thank god for Maia and her love for alcohol. Simon wouldn't be making through this otherwise. He had already met Alec's parents, who were the most uptight and boring people on the planet, and other major supporters of the cause, who were no better than the Lightwoods. "Why are you shouting into my ear when you should be eye fucking your girlfriend. Where is Isabelle, anyways?" Simon replied, rubbing his ear. Just then, Isabelle glided over to them in a long, black tight dress with killer heels on. Her hair were down in locks and she smiled brightly at Simon and Clary.

"Hola, Simon. Nice to officially meet you." she said, waving at him slightly. Simon smiled back and nodded. "Nice to know Alec has a sister. And a gorgeous one at that." he said, making Isabelle flush a little. "Clary told me about you." she stated, like it was supposed to clear something up. Clary had a wicked smile. "Yeah? Only bad things, I hope." he replied swiftly, making Isabelle laugh. "So, Isabelle, why are you working at Wendy's, if you're a Lightwood?" he asked. Clary glared at him. "Can't she have a job if she wants to? Just because her parents are rich..." she started to go into gear but Isabelle's hand on her shoulder stopped her. Isabelle smiled at Clary, making the redhead blush, which Simon found amusing.

"It's okay, sweetie." she said, leaning on the bar, watching the crowd and the dogs. "When Alec came out, our parents were furious. I hated what they did to him, neglecting his sexuality, so I went to work at Wendy's, to make them focus on me. It worked too, they went totally nuts, having their daughter work at such a place was a huge humiliation..." she said, chuckling. She sipped Simon's martini before she went on. "Well, the thing is, after it all cooled down with Alec, I started to like it. I mean, I have all the money I could want, but what's the point? There's no one to share it with. And I had never gotten a job before. So I didn't quit. The customers were so nice and the staff is funny and sweet to me." Isabelle finished. Simon's eyebrows shot up. "And your parents don't know about your sexuality yet?" Simon pried, getting another glare from Clary but Isabelle didn't seem to mind. Eating the olive out of the martini, her lips curled into a small, sad smile. "Nope. I have no intention of telling them. I mean I'm bi, so there's always been a chance I'll bring home a guy. But I might just bring a girl, to rub it in their faces. Besides, girls are so much cuter anyways." she said, eyeing Clary, who blushed under her gaze. Isabelle Lightwood was really something. Good for Clary, Simon thought.

He looked at his best friend, who seemed to be in awe of the woman in front of her, holding her hand. "Well, I feel like I am third wheeling here, so if you'll excuse me." Simon said, but the two didn't even notice him leave. He scoffed and looked around. This event was amazing, but to Simon, things were getting a little boring. He pulled on his collar. For Maia's sake, he had worn his silver tux, but he refused to put on a tie. It messed with his vibe. Besides, it was hard enough to have fun with dogs in a suit. I mean, who in their right mind would have a formal event with dogs? Might as well put bowties on the dogs, too. Come to think of it, that would be an awesome idea. He was so lost in the thought of dogs with little suits that he stood immobile for several minutes.

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