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"Zoey! Can you show more photos? I want to see like from on top mountain!"

Zo let the tavern door fall back into place, snuggling up against the snow and ice-encrusted wooden frame before air pressure forced it completely shut.

"It's just 'Zo.' There's no 'Ee' in 'Zoeca.'"

"Oh, so sorry, Zoeyeca." The owner got up from one of his empty stools and came closer to her. "I learn Andrian late, it is hard speak, you know?"

"Let's sit over there. It'll be easier to see when you're sitting down, Rychny. There are no customers here, anyway."

They sat down at one of the half a dozen pine tables in chairs closest to each other. Zo spun a dial and pushed a few buttons until the screen lit up with bright white light. Rychny leaned in until his height matched Zo's. Both pairs of eyes were glued to the screen no larger than the back of her hand.

Valley of Frost: First ChaptersWhere stories live. Discover now