Capter 54 The darkness part 3 (Past event)

Start from the beginning

Echos P.O.V

Echo left the palace feeling fear running through him 'What would Blaze do if he found out....who am i kidding he will that stupid mightyanea will make sure....ugh well I'll have to make a new plan....and it evolves help from other's but who' then a memory comes to mind of Blaze telling him about soul and devilish smile crosses his face 'Of course.....well if Blaze finds out I'll get Soul and his group of pokemon to help me....oh Blaze don't make an enemy out of me Because i promise I'll make everfree a living hell'

Three day's later

Blaze's P.O.V

It's been awhile now and Matt and Raven have been sending guards out on searches for days now even Matt hardly slept anymore but he did inform Blaze that he had a suspect but didn't tell Blaze who. The flareon was out on the balcony watching the the sun set feeling lonely, ever since he lost Emma he would go and watch the stars ever night it made him feel less lonely it made him feel like she was there with him even if she wasn't. They gave her a funeral just the other day barred her around the graded by a bunch of red roses. He let a sad sigh out then he thought of Ramune feeling hurt 'Did i make a mistake?.....After all me and Ramune have gone through so much....maybe i should go after him....but what if it really was him?' Blaze found himself once again coming to tears never has he ever thought things would get this bad 'where did i go wrong? Oh Arceus what did i do to deserve this?.....i....i tried and tried to keep peace....make pokemon happy.....and then this happens? Why?' Fresh tears roll down his checks oh what he'd give for things to be the way they used to be but life isn't like that. Then suddenly the doors behind him swing open and Matt was there with an outraged look "Blaze! We found who did it!" Blaze whip his head to look at him in pure shock "Really?... Did they find the egg as well?!" Blaze asked with a little bit of hope in his heart 'Maybe....maybe things can look up please Arceus!'
But the look on Matt's face said everything "No sorry.....but we know who did it....we got the sent from the weapon and matched the paw print on it....and searched all dens around the area won't like this...." Blaze walks up to him "It was Ramune wasn't it?" He ask praying it wasn't but the answer he got was the last thing he expected "no. The print on the weapon was one of a we searched Echos den when he wasn't home and....we found more proof the pikachu....had dry blood on his floor and small bits of egg shells.....who i suspected from the beginning, Blaze Echo killed Emma" the mightyanea said looking sad but somewhat angry. Blaze stared in disbelief " Echo he wouldn't....i trusted him!" Matt frowns "Blaze all evidence points to would make sense as well after all you turned down hanging out with him to see Emma and he didn't like Ramune be-" but Blaze cut him off "Because Ramune didn't trust him....." Blaze felt his heart drop when the realization hits him "Ramune.....was right this hole time Matt....he knew that Echo was bad but did i listen to him?.....No instead i....blamed him" Blaze felt like screaming the thought that he blamed his brother when Ramune was only trying to help and protect his family and home 'Echo i can't believe could i have missed judged him so badly?' Blaze couldn't espeon his his feelings ever little bit of happiness was sucked out of him he then felt anger build up sure he'd exiled Ramune but Echo wouldn't be let off easy not only did he kill his family but tried to frame Ramune for it. Blaze then looks at Matt with a new look one of outrage "I want Echo at once!....he will pay for his crimes by be heading!" Matt looked shocked he opened his mouth but said nothing Blaze narrows his eye's "Well? What are you waiting for!?" Matt then nodded and took off in a run "The king has giving orders to arrest Echo!" He heard Matt yelling to the other mightyaneas. Blaze looked up at the now black sky feeling even worse then before sad, the feeling of betrayal sinking in and the feeling of guilt 'None of this would of happened.....if i listen to my brother.... Who I'll have to find after.. I have to make this right between us....i have to apologize, after Echos death I'll send Matt and the guards to find him... I mean Everfrees a big forest surly he's still around right?'

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