*Because the pretty ones are always ignorant*

*You think she's pretty?*

*Yeah, seems a little weird though*

*How do you know what she seems*

*I have a class with her*
"Siah what are you doing home?" His mother Melissa asked

"I can't come see my family" He asked sitting on a barstool in front of the counter.

"You see us everyday, you live 45 minutes away just say you're homesick" Joanna, one of Josiah's sisters said sitting next to him.

"I'm not homesick, just bored, I live alone"

"Your father and I asked you if you wanted a roommate, you declined"

"I don't want a roommate, I just want to see my family everyday" he said shrugging. Unlike a lot of people his age, He enjoyed his family, they weren't overbearing or mean spirited. They let him be who he wanted plus they were generous when it came to money.

"Yea because you're a mamas boy" Joi said getting eating grapes

"I'm not a mamas boy I'm just her favorite child" he said shrugging

"Who said that?" Mellisa asked. He was indeed her favorite as much as she tried to say she loved all her children equally it was evident.

"You don't have to say it, we all know mama loves her precious little disabled boy" Joi said rolling her eyes. Josiah laughed, his sister was jealous of him and he couldn't enjoy it more.

"Joi!" Melissa scolded.

"It's okay Ma, she's gotta her that anger out somewhere, you know for a girl named Joi you sure don't have any"

"Hahaha Suck a-"

"Joi!" She said as Joi rolled her eyes and went back upstairs.

"What the hell is Josiah doing here?" He asked making everyone but Josiah laugh because he couldn't see him.

"He says he wants to see us everyday" Joanna stated

"I don't pay 1200 dollars a month for an apartment for you to be here all day"

"This is what it feels like when you're family hates you" Josiah said jokingly

"Nobody hates you, you should do what college kids do and go to a party or go find a wife" Joseph said

"College kids don't find wives" Josiah stated scrunching up his face.

"Especially not Josiah, he's still in love with Laurennn" Joanna taunted.

"I'm not still in love with Lauren, she and I are done" He said shrugging.

Truthfully he still had feelings for her but since the two were forced to break up due to her going to college hours away, he acted as if he didn't care.

"Yea right, so why haven't you moved on?" Joanna asked

"I haven't found anyone worth moving on to, I enjoy being single"

"Obviously not if you claim to hate being lonely" Joanna said. She was very argumentative and she was very good at it, always had to get the last word and was rarely wrong.
"Raven?" Aubrey called putting for her roommate after putting her coat on the coat hanger.

After getting no answer she assumed she was gone and decided to finish her artwork. She often found her pieces better when she could concentrate better.

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