Finan- I Will Always Love You

Start from the beginning

Finan eyed her, a soft expression forming on his face, "I'll keep your secret, I promise."

"Thank you, Finan," she replied gratefully before coming acutely aware of how close together they were. She took a step back and smiled at him. She found herself wanting to continue their conversation, but she was unsure of what to say.

"I don't think you should be roaming the streets on your own, my lady," he suddenly said. "Not that you can't take care of yourself, but for my own consciousness, someone should accompany you."

"Are you suggesting yourself?" Elfswith asked, slyly, seizing the opportunity to get to spend more time with the handsome man.

"I would not mind spending more time in the presence of a beauty such as yourself, no," Finan admitted, much enjoying the flushed reaction he received from her.

"And I would enjoy getting to know you more, Irishman," she replied, smiling at him. "Should we return to the market?"

"Of course."

The two of them made their way out of the alleyway, slipping quietly into the bustling market. As they walked slowly, looking at each vendor, Elfswith found herself more interested in the man beside her than the market itself.

She began to ask questions of him, getting to know him better. He was kind and very funny, so she found the time slipping by very quickly. He was quick to answer her questions and asked a few of her.

"I'll admit, I'm a bit surprised about you not being uptight," Finan said.


"Oh, like, well, your mother," Finan admitted, trying not to offend her.

Instead of offending her, Elfswith burst out laughing loudly, a slight snort escaping her, which she quickly slapped her hand over her mouth, trying to be more ladylike. She was embarrassed and she quickly stopped laughing.

"No, no," Finan said, realizing why she had stopped. "I like your laugh. Don't cover it up."

"Oh please, my mother is horrified whenever I truly laugh," Elfswith said.

"Did I not just say that your mother is uptight?" Finan said incredulously, making Elfswith giggle. "Do not be embarrassed by your laugh. I find it an honor that you enjoy what I like."

There were many more of these moments, Elfswith found herself being able to relax around him, and her years of faked laughs, ladylike conversation, and fake smiles all melted away. He made her feel comfortable and very, truly happy.

As time slipped by, Elfswith only realized how late it was when the sky around her began to darken, and she knew that she would most definitely be late for supper.

"Finan I should-"

"I know," he replied, a smile on his face. "Thank you for your time and your kind presence, my lady."

"Oh Finan, as I told you before, call me Elfswith," she replied. "Besides, I should like to call you my friend. You have made my outing very pleasant."

"And you are a good woman," Finan said, nodding his head to her. "I'd like to see you again."

Elfswith found herself smiling at his words, but she did not want to give in too easily to him. "Then I can only hope you will find me again," she said before turning and walking back to the palace, a light spring in her step.


A few weeks passed, and Elfswith found herself dreaming of the man she had only spoken to a  few hours. She barely knew him, but she found herself wishing to see him again.

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