Finan- I Will Always Love You

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Warning: None!

Scene: Elfswith is the eldest daughter of King Alfred and the Lady Aelswith, and she finds herself falling for a rather handsome Irishman, despite her impending betrothal for the benefit of the kingdom. Fluff. SO MUCH fluff. And you might cry. You'll definitely cry because, well, there's a substantial amount of angst too.

Word Count: 7840. so much. literally this is so long, but it's WORTH IT (I promise!)

On the day they met, Elfswith could have never imagined what the next year of her life was filled with.

She had spent the day studying boring words and memorizing scriptures with her younger sister, Aethelflaed. As they had finished, the two young women had made a dash for the door, eager to get to the stables for their early evening ride, but were halted by their mother at the door.

"Elfswith," Aelswith called, stopping the girls before they could round the corner, outside of the reading room.

Aethelflaed turned to her sister and raised her eyebrows.

"Yes, mother?" Elfswith asked sweetly, knowing exactly what the conversation would be about. She had just reached marrying age, and her parents were talking of who the appropriate suitor would be, but she spent her time desperately avoiding the conversation.

"We need to discuss your betrothal," Aelswith reminded her.

"I know! I am busy right now, but I will be sure to find time to speak of it with you soon,"Elfswith replied before grabbing her sister's arm and yanking her down the hall before her mother could say another word.

"Elfswith!" Aethelflaed said, giggling. "Mother will be furious."

"I don't care," she snarked back as they made their way to the stables.

Both girls got to their horses and soon found themselves riding out of Winchester, racing each other at break-neck speeds, with their guards trying desperately to keep up behind them.

They spent a few hours outdoors until the sun began to set. They finally came upon the road to Winchester, only a mile's ride from the gates when they came upon a group of men. Almost immediately, Aethelflaed gasped at who it was.

"It is Lord Uhtred," she said, noting the amber hilt on his sword from behind.

Elfswith smiled wickedly and winked at her sister, slapping Aethelflaed's horse on the rear, causing it to race forward and making Aethelflaed shriek. Elfswith knew of the girlhood adoration her sister had for the great warrior, and the shriek had definitely gained his attention and the attention of his men.

She was so busy laughing at her sister's shriek that she did not notice a certain one of Uhtred's men gazing at her intently. Finan's eyes did not stray from her, taking in the sight behind them.

She was a beautiful sight to see. She resembled her sister, except a little shorter. Her hair was down, ruffled slightly from the ride. She sat upon her horse, her hand covering her mouth as her musical laughter reached the man's ears. 

"Hey, stop staring," came a voice from beside him. Sihtric had caught him staring. "That's the King's eldest daughter you know."

"She is-"

"Beautiful, yeah. Well, stop thinking about it," Osferth spoke up.

Elfswith began to ride to catch up with the little band of men and noticed her sister had regained control of her horse. As Elfswith reached the men, with the palace guards in tow, Aethelflaed pulled up alongside her, her face flushed red from embarrassment.

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