Finan- Home in Coccham

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Scene: During a season of peace back at Coccham, Aelwynn finds herself in the company of a handsome Irishman during a celebration

Word Count: 1036

Aelwynn left the hall early, her mind wanting peace and quiet. The weather was beautiful, the moonlight shining down on the water brightly. She made her way to the pier, her eyes quickly adjusting to the darkness. She removed her shoes and sat, swinging her legs over the edge, toes just skimming the water.

She sighed, enjoying the sound of the owls in the woods and the laughter emanating from the hall. She was glad for the fresh air and the peaceful times, something much needed after their season of struggle.

"Mind if I join ya?" A rough but kind voice filled her mind. She had heard him coming down the pier, and she turned to look up at the Irishman as he sat just beside her, crossing his legs and looking out over the water in silence.

"I am surprised you're not in the hall," Aelwynn suddenly spoke, breaking the silence.

"I could say the same for you," Finan replied, looking over at her. "What brought you out here?"

"Air," Aelwynn replied. "As much as I enjoy drinking like the rest of them, I wanted to take tonight off," she smiled for a moment, kicking the water with her toe before looking up at Finan. "What brought you out here, Finan?"

"Oh, you know, air," he replied, a slight smirk across his face.

"We both know that's not true," Aelwynn replied, shaking her head.

"You're right," Finan replied, chuckling. They were silent for another moment before he spoke again. "I saw a pretty woman leaving the hall and thought it best to follow her."

"You speak with a suitor's tongue, Finan," Aelwynn said, assuming it to be one of his jests, but when she caught his eyes, she realized that he was completely serious.

"I know that," Finan said.

"Oh," Aelwynn hoped that the redness of her cheeks was not visible in the dim light, for she felt it creeping up her face and covering her cheeks. She found that she did not mind his words, but she was unsure of what to say. "Are you, uh, enjoying being in Coccham?" Aelwynn asked, mentally swatting herself for her awkwardly placed words. She played with the hem of her dress as she waited for his response.

"That I am," Finan replied. "I have friends for my soul, food and ale for my belly, and a pretty woman to look at."

He said those last words cautiously, but a smile on his face. Aelwynn looked up, startled again at his words, but she used them against him, a smirk quickly forming on her face.

"A pretty woman? Do you mean women? After all, the Lady Gisela is quite beautiful," Aelwynn said, studying his face now. It was his turn to stammer slightly.

"I, uh, don't, of course she's beautiful," he replied.

"Oh, so you secretly love her now?" Aelwynn goaded him, enjoying the frustration that was building on his face. "I can just imagine what my brother would have to say about that."

"Oh, dammit woman," Finan swore, running his hand over his head. "Would you just let me talk?"

"I'm sorry," Aelwynn replied, an eyebrow raised, waiting for his words.

"Ever since I met you, I thought you were the most beautiful woman I'd ever seen," Finan started. "And now I want the chance to be close with you. Not close like you and Sihtric, but close like..." he trailed off, finding himself rather close to Aelwynn, his eyes looking from her eyes to her lips and back.

"Like what, Finan?" Aelwynn's voice came out in a whisper, feeling the same spark in the air, desperately wanting him to finish what he had begun to say.

"Like this."

Finan's hand went to her chin, holding it lightly before pressing his lips to hers. Aelwynn could feel the scruff of his beard tickling her chin, his slightly chapped lips touching her own soft ones. Within a second, he had pulled away, just far enough so that his eyes could meet hers, making sure that what he had done was okay.

Aelwynn wasn't ready for it to be over, so she leaned into him, kissing him in turn, deepening a kiss she had not realized she desperately needed. Her hand found its way to his chin, the other to his chest as he pulled her closer. His hand was tangled in her hair, the other wrapped around her waist, neither of them wanting to let go.

They kissed for a few more moments before breaking apart, each one stunned but happy with their actions.

"Now that, is a kiss," Finan said, referencing the last time he had asked for a kiss from her. Aelwynn swatted his chest lightly, a laugh escaping her lips. Her hands dropped to her lap, and she looked down, a smile on her face. She didn't need to say anything, for their actions had said it all.

"I plan on getting you in my bed sometime, woman," Finan said, breaking the silence and causing Aelwynn to huff slightly and roll her eyes before pulling her feet from the water. "What?" Finan exclaimed.

"Always one to ruin the mood," Aelwynn groaned, laying back on the wood of the pier. "You may not lie with me until you marry me."

"Is that an offer?" Finan asked, looking down at her and leaning down for another kiss, but Aelwynn shook her head and pushed him away.

"No, it is not," Aelwynn retorted. "And it will do you well to remember who my brother is before you go around talking about kissing me tomorrow!"

She stood from the pier, Finan jumping up quickly beside her.

"Where are you going?" He asked.

"I will not give you the chance to convince me to warm your bed tonight, Finan," Aelwynn said. "So I am leaving and returning to my own bed."

"Without another kiss?" Finan asked, a nearly whining tone to his voice as Aelwynn began to walk away. "Come on, woman! Don't leave a poor man hanging!"

"You have to earn your next kiss, my dear," Aelwynn called over her shoulder as she quickly made her way back to the now-quiet hall, a happy smile on her still-flushed face.

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