Osferth- Barmaid

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Warnings: Familial abuse, mentions of sexual harassment

Scene: The OC, Alaina, works at her family's tavern in Winchester. She is working one night when she sees the face of a kind man she once ran into. Fluff and cute with Osferth. Most likely will have a part 2.

Word Count: 1536

"Get your boney arse up, girl," a loud and cranky voice rose Alaina from her sleep.

She bolted upright, desperately trying to recover her senses, and praying that her mother would not throw water on her as she had done many days when Alaina did not get up immediately. She jumped out of bed, her eyes still slightly blurred with sleep.

"Get your chores done, then it's out on the tavern floor for you," her mother said, tossing her a piece of bread, which Alaina barely caught. Within seconds, her mother was gone again, leaving Alaina by herself.

She was the middle daughter of 11 children. All of her older and younger sisters had been married off or were betrothed, but Alaina had not been allowed to. Her father had insisted on having her remain, and after he had died, her mother had not had the desire to try and marry her off.

She washed and dressed quickly, preparing for another late night at the tavern. She went and began to sweep the floors and wake any drunken men who had fallen asleep there that day. She sighed as they all grunted and groaned at her before shooing them out the door.

Once that was done, she set about work and had the place completely clean before the first wave of drinkers arrived that morning. Once they arrived, her mother shooed her to the back to prepare food, and she remained out of sight.

As evening came, Alaina began to find herself getting nervous. She would be called out to the floor to serve ale because there were so many men. Soon enough, she heard her mother calling her name, and she came out quietly, making her way towards the bar.

Her eyes nervously flitted around the place when they landed on a very familiar and handsome face. He sat with the Lord Uhtred's warriors, as he himself was a warrior and a monk, while they drank and regaled their stories from childhood and from their times in battle. She did not know his name, but she knew that he was kind.

She had run into him a few weeks back on her way into Winchester, carrying a back of herbs for her mother's sore back. She had not been paying attention to her direction and had run right into him and nearly fallen to the ground.

"Whoa there," he had said gently, grabbing her before she could touch the ground.

"I- I am sorry," she had replied, blushing a deep red color from her clumsiness.

He had looked her over for a moment to make sure that she had not been hurt before giving her a kind smile. "I am glad you are alright, my lady."

"Oh, I'm not a lady," Alaina had replied, still conscious of how close they were standing. "I'm just a barmaid," she said, finally looking up to look him in the eye.

"Just a barmaid? I would say you look like an angel," the man had replied.

Alaina had blushed even redder. Most men would just try to grope her and ask her to lie with them for the night. She was plain, with her dress hiding her average hips, her average waist. Her breasts were nothing special, her eyes were a dull brown, and her brown hair was an average length. She did not find herself to be anything special, so hearing his words made her pause for a moment.

"Please do not jest," she said, realizing that he too was trying to get her into bed. "I am not a whore."

"I am sorry, my lady, I did not mean to make you uncomfortable. I was merely stating the truth," the man had replied. "I will leave you to your peace."

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