Ragnar- (Request) I Will Always Find You

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Warning: Sexual assault, emotional and physical trauma/abuse, and kidnapping. Please be careful reading this!!

Scene: I do a pretty good job of setting this up. Aliyah is the wife of Young Ragnar. This is a request for LilouLox32

Word Count: 4,991

Aliyah had never been so happy in her life. She hummed about the great hall built for her and her husband, anxiously awaiting the moment he would return from his ride. She paced slightly, having finished all of her work for the day and gone ahead and sent her servants and the workers home.

Suddenly, she heard a horse outside, and the sound of a familiar voice outside the door. As it opened, Aliyah smiled at the sight before her. Her handsome husband, Ragnar, stood in the doorway, a smile spread across his face as he took in his young wife.

"There she is," Ragnar spoke, beginning to approach her.

As was normal, Aliyah smirked at him and turned to run away, teasing him and urging him to chase her. She was not fast enough, as he snatched her up into his arms, causing her to squeal as he picked her up from behind.

"You could never escape me," he said, stepping her back down and spinning her so that she faced him. His arms still held onto her waist, happy to see his wife. As he leaned down and placed a warm kiss to her lips, he spoke, "And if you did, I would always come and find you. Always."

"Of course, my love," Aliyah said, putting her hand up to stroke his cheek. She stood there for a second before remembering her news. "I have something important to tell you."

"Yes?" Ragnar asked, urging her on.

"Well, give me a moment," she said, wiggling out of his grasp and racing to the corner of the hall while Ragnar waited patiently for her to return.

She picked up the little project that she had worked on that afternoon before bringing it over to Ragnar.

"We are going to need more cloth," she said, putting on an air of seriousness. "I have a few more projects to work on."

"What have you made now?" Ragnar asked. She never asked for anything, and he would be more than happy to get her more cloth.

Aliyah handed him the tiny green tunic she had made and watched his expression change. He was confused at first, and he eyed it suspiciously.

"What is this for?"

Aliyah rolled her eyes and giggled, "It's for your son or your daughter."

"But I don't-" realization dawned on Ragnar's face as he registered what the tunic was for. "You're with child?" He asked

"Yes, Ragnar," Aliyah laughed. "I am with child, and soon you will be a father."

Ragnar immediately swept her up into her arms, kissing her deeply. He was beyond excited.

"We must tell my family," he said. "Tonight."

"Tonight?" Aliyah asked, her eyes widening. "I did not think we would feast in their hall until tomorrow!"

"They do not live so far from here," Ragnar replied. "Besides, when we tell them, they will welcome us with open arms."

He finally let go of her and knelt before her, placing his hand on her stomach. He could feel a very slight bump, but he had thought nothing of it when he had seen her naked beside him under the furs. He had only admired her, and kissed her, and held her tightly.

"Ragnar," Aliyah's voice brought him back to the present. He realized that his mind had wandered, and he chuckled, standing.

"Let me wash, then we will ride to their hall," he said.

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