21 (Love Ride)

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The sun was sinking in the horizon by the time we found the amusement park. I kind of amusement park in the mortal world. I didn’t have friends to go with but my mom sometimes brought me there. It was fun until I froze the hunted house because it was creepy and got on my nerves.

The main gate was packed locked; we decided to climb up the fences. The shadow grew long as we walked through the park, trying to find the damn love ride. No monsters came to get us, so there was no slightest sound.

We found a souvenir shop that had been left open and snack bar. I was so hungry, so I decided to get some food but Kris stopped. “Let’s not commit theft in the park. We are already trespassing through the park. We will be lucky if we didn’t damage some of the material while finding the sword.”

I frowned and stomped ahead, leaving Kris behind. It’s just a food but even with his warning, I managed to get some candies.

“You thieves!” A cold voice rose from behind. I looked around and saw this ugly monster.

“What are you talking about?” Kris yelled back and looked at me. “Did you take something from the shop?”

“Well.. Some candies.” I felt a pang of guilt. “I was hungry, you know.” I fought back.

“Well. At least leave some money on!” He yelled back.

While we were fighting, Luhan did somersault and touched the monster with his hand. Immediately, it turned to ashes. Kris and I were surprised by his action. Come to think about it, Luhan haven’t wear the magic limiter and whatever he touched, it didn’t turn to ash now, and now it did.

“So you learned to control your magic?” Kris asked.

“Yeah. Kind of like that.” Luhan answered as he looked at me. “My power is growing stronger, so I needed to control my magic.”

“That’s good, so nobody will be dead.” Kris took a deep breath and Luhan looked hurt.

I kicked Kris in the shin and punched in his stomach. “What was that for?” He groaned.

“For yelling me when I took just some candies.”

“I told you not to do it.” He growled but I ignored him and found the love ride.

“Here is the love ride.” I yelled. “I am going in!” I saluted and buckled my seat. “Go and hit the button.” I tried to find the ‘on’ button. We needed to finish this mission soon or I was going to die by hunger.

Kris looked at me and said “It run by magic, you idiot!”

“Duh! How the hell am I supposed to go down?” I asked back.

“Freeze the water and I will push the boat. Bring Luhan with you.” Kris said as he put a flat wood under the boat. “It will make the boat slip, making it go faster.”  

Wait. Luhan with me? In the Love Ride. I didn’t think so. “How about I freeze the water and push the boat. You and Luhan can go.” My cheeks were bright red. I could tell by the mirrors that are in front of me.  I rather shipped Kris and Luhan than Luhan and I. 

“Just go, okay? There might be monsters. I will be here and fight them.” Kris pushed Luhan in the boat.

Might is the possibility and I could freeze the monsters by myself. Without a choice, I froze the water, making the boat easier to slip across the tunnel.

The boat started to move in the tunnel and with the ice under it, it went faster. I was going to shriek like a girl but Luhan unfroze the water. I was going to ask why he did that but he answered as if he was reading my mind. “There is a sword. Go and get it.” He ordered since I was closer to the sword.

The minute I touched the sword, I knew there would be trouble. The large fish appeared in front of me when I took the sword. I screamed likegirl and hit the fish with a sword. Its mouth opened as if it was ready to eat me but Luhan touched the fish and it turned to ashes.

“What happened? OOOFF?” I heard Kris’s voice and the ooof sound was not a good sign but what choice did we have but to finish the ride? I froze the water, so it started to slip across the ice.

We finished the love ride and I screamed like a girl again when the bloody hand appeared in front of me. Kris had slaughtered the monster.

“Sorry.” He mumbled and Luhan turned him to ashes because I was freaking out about blood.

It was the most embrassing episode in my life. I hate freaking the stupid love ride. 

The man who had promised to wait and give us food was in the restaurant. “Well. Well. I am surprised that you didn’t get yourselves killed.”

“So you were expecting us to get killed by the monsters. At lease you should’ve told me that there will be monsters.” I yelled as I shoved his sword to him. “You are a jerk.”

“It’s all on me. Bring them the food they wanted.” He handed something to the waitress and she immediately ran into the kitchen. He tossed Kris a bag. I looked inside when Kris opened it. Inside were a map, a pouch full of coins (for food), and some clothes.

I wanted to say ‘I don’t want your lousy help.’ But I kept my mouth shut since the food were on the tables. I started to stuff down all the meat I saw. I was freaking hungry and the foods were delicious.

Then I realized that the man were looking at me, Kris, and Luhan eating and didn’t leave out of my sight yet. “Why are you not going?”

“There are three rooms waiting upstairs. Take a rest and go to Fire Land tomorrow.” He stood up and headed to the exit. “You need to complete this mission, so you can prove yourself that you are worthy.”

I chocked on chicken as I heard the sentence. “How did you know-“ He was disappeared in the red dust. I headed to the exit to see if he was there or not but he wasn’t there anymore.

What did this all mean?

About worthy and this mission and some other stuffs.

I didn’t tell Kris and Luhan about it though and they didn’t bother to ask me since I was in despair mood. After eating, we went to our rooms. Kris planned to leave the room by the sunrise, so we went to sleep early.

I looked out the window and the streets were quiet but looked colorful by the different color street light. I crawled on the soft bed. I didn’t want to sleep. I remembered the dream about my mom.

And I didn’t want to dream about that again. 

Fear And TerrorOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora