Chapter 1: Hiccup's Decision

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What I should be doing: writing my essay and/or working on my presentation

What I am doing: writing Toothcup


:) [In my defense, my CT professor gave us like three prompts to address in one essay, so... and it seems to me... that the main prompt is supposed to be "How has the online experience changed your views on liberal education and your Honors education?" ... The problem is that it hasn't. So I ended up writing a ton about how Cultural Traditions sucks and doesn't achieve the goals of liberal education and changing lives. ... So yah. I'm struggling; I don't know what to write for my essay. I spent about an hour trying to figure out what the thesis alone was supposed to address.]

[... But I really have no excuse for not working on my presentation besides the fact that it's difficult for me to find information on what the works I chose represent, and I don't know how I'm going to seamlessly integrate that information into my already-too-long presentation. So yeah. It's just like '... You tell me my presentation's too long..., but then you also tell me to add in an entire new topic. Like wtf??? I can't have three theses, man; I just can't. Having general background and emphasizing my narrowed, specific topic was hard enough, but now I have to add a whole 'nother section? Uuuughh...!]

But anyway, enough about me.

Useful URL for dragon info: [More for my reference than yours]

Useful URL for Viking Gods: [Also more for my reference than yours]

I want to just explain that since Berk is coexisting with dragons, it's a little more knowledgeable about dragons than Berk before Hiccup met Toothless.

And Hiccup and Toothless are quite OOC.... I was like "eh, Toothless is kind of like a mix between the Toothless in the movies and the one in the books," but then I'm just staring the pair in the face like an Alpha teasing a Beta, and I'm just like "... yeah, they're OOC; there's no denying it." I'm going to try to reign them in though.... Hiccup, at the very least.

Last but not least (I promise), I decided two things: a) the dragons do have humanoid forms, a.k.a. anthropomorphic... is that it? Or did I just add a po in there? Oh well; it doesn't have a red line, so I'll just assume it's right. and b) this is an oba universe :) So... I guess I'll be adding an Explanation before the Prologue? It'll probably be pretty similar to my He's Mine Explanation. I haven't decided what oba status Hiccup should have.... What do y'all think? I can't decide between Beta and Omega....

"Hey, Hiccup, did you know that Gronckles actually eat boulders? I wonder why some Gronckles grab sheep then...." Fishlegs murmured as we walked through the forest.

"You sure do read that book a lot...."

"Well, even if we have a truce with the dragons on our island, other dragons still attack us every once in a while, and there is some important information regarding coexistence...."

"Hmmn..." I frowned. I could think of better uses for a book about dragons.... (I bet I could make a better one, too. Well... about Night Furies, maybe..) "What does it say about Night Furies?"

"Nothing," Fishlegs shook his head, "That Night Fury orphan that causes trouble is the only one Berk's ever seen, and he's evasive. Plus, the dragons tend to try to keep him out of our areas."

"Whoa, what, seriously?" I took the book from him.


I ignored his argument and flipped quickly through the pages. A mostly blank page caught my eye. It said that Night Furies were "the unholy offspring of lightning and death itself."

The Truce's Seed (Hiccup x shapeshift?Toothless)Where stories live. Discover now