'how did he slip through the barrier..?? who on earth is he?" minato thinks. he still doesn't move.

"Get away from the host.. or do you not carewhat happens to the brat?" The masked man asks evily.

"wait calm down!" minato pleads and steps forward. which makes the mask man throw the young blonde baby up in the air."shit!"minato says and teleports to catch his son."

"Naruto!!"Kushina screams.

minato catches him and the masked figure chuckles.

"I expected nothing less of the yellow flash. but what about the next one."The man says evily. minato quickly looks down and finds narutos baby blanket full with paper bombs. forcing the father to quickly throw the blanket and shielding his son from the explosion.

"Minato!!Naruto!!"Kushina screams as the whole safe house blows up.Minato teleported with Naruto the last second.

"Thank goodness narutos unharmed." he panted.He then teleported them both to their home and layed Naruto in his crib.

"you'll be safe here. Just wait here a little bit Naruto. I have to go save your mom right now."Minato soothes while tucking the sleeping infant in blankets. Then he diseapers.


"what do you want?"asked a chained up kushina with her seal exposed.

"to take the kyubi from you and destroy konaha." the mask man tells kushina. who immedatly looks alarmed.

"what?"She aske shocked. The masked man then notices a new set of seals on kushina and the masked man chuckles darkly.

"Minato is always protecting you.But now ive gotten him away from you. and furthermore the is weakend after you gave birth. Do you know how long ive waited for this brief moment? he asks.Kushinas eyes widen dramatically.



A gaigantic 9 tailed fox suddenly appeared.

'YOUUUU!' He thought as if he reconized the masked man. but then the restained fox had the sharingon in his eyes.

"wait!"Kushina yelled and looked up at the masked man from laying on a rock totally drained.

The guy then chuckles.

"The uzumaki clan really is amazing...still alive after having a biju ripped from you,eh."


"you where the kyubis host.... and now I will use him to kill you." The guy with the swirl mask says evil and commands the kyubi to kill her. Just as he tries to minato swoops in and grabs her bridal style and jumps away from the attack."You still have the flash.... but your to late." the guy says smirking.

kushina looks up at minato. her face is super pale and she could barley keep her eyes open.

"..Minato.. Naruto is Naruto alright?" she asks him. minato smiles down at her reassuringly.

"Ya .. He's in a safe place now."Minato says calmly. Kushina sighs relieved.

"Thank goodness." she says contently. minato nods then looks back at the masked man with a glare that if glares could kill. The masked figure would be dead 10 times over. Then kushina started talking again."Minato.. you have to stop that man and the kyubi.. He's heading for .. konaha.."Kushina told her husband who nodded.and teleported back to their house and layed her down by Naruto.

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